"Bahan dan Metode : Desain cross seksional pada 99 subyek laki-laki tahun yang dipilih secara simple random sampling dari sarnpel MONICA Jakarta III. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data umum subyek, asupan makanan, antropometri, tekanan darah, EKG dan pemeriksaan laboratorium darah. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji X2, Fisher dan Kolmogorov-Smimov, Mann Whitney dan korelasi Pearson / Spearman rank.
Hasil : Kadar feritin serum ?200 p.glL tedapat pads 8,1% subyek. Asupan besi total 4,81 mg (1,59-13,24 mglhari), besi hem 0,21 mg (0-1,22 mg/had), 93,9% asupan besi kurang 1 AKG. Terdapat 13,1% dengan IMT >27 kglm2, 20,2% dengan Lpe X94 cm aan rasio LpelLpa X0,95; 34,3% dengan tekanan darah >149190 mm Hg, Kadar kolesterol total abnormal 41,4% (?200 mgldL); kolesterol HDL abnormal 63,6%(z40 mgldL); kolesterol LDL abnormal 52,5% (?130 mgldL); trigiiserida abnormal 11,I%(200 mg/dL); gula puasa abnormal 5,1% (?126 mgldL). Kebiasaan merokok pada 54,5% subyek. Tidak trdapat korelasi bermakna antara asupan besi total (r--0,038) dan besi hem (r,027) dengan feritin serum. Rasio Odds kasar antara feritin serum dengan PJK (diagnostik EKG) 5,5 kali (CI. 0,87-34,33). Pada uji statistik didapat perbedaan bermakna median feritin serum pads subyek diabetes daengan non diabetes (p~,001) dan subyek dengan kelebihan lemak tubuh dengan subyek dengan lemak tubuh normal (Lpe dengan p:1,009; LpelLpa dengan p"0,047).
Kesimpulan: Didapatkan hubungan tidak bermakna antara feritin serum dengan asupan zat gizi. Terdapat hubungan moderat antara feritin serum dengan risiko PJK. Subyek dengan feritin serum ? 200 .iglL mempunyai kecenderungan risiko 5,5 kali menderita PJK (diagnostik EKG) dibandingkan subyek dengan feritin serum <200 p.g(L,
Serum ferritin in men 35 years old or over and its relating factors at Mampang PrapatanMethods : A cross sectional study had been carried out of on 99 subjects age 35 years selected using simple random sampling method from MONICA Jakarta's III sample. Data collected consist of socio-economic state, dietary intake, anthropometric, laboratory, blood pressure and electrocardiogram examination. Statistical analysis was performed by X-, Fisher, Kolmogorov-Sm imov, Mann-Whitney, and Pearson/ Spearman rank correlation.
Result : Serum ferritin 1200 1.tglL was found in 8,1% subjects. Total iron intake 4,81 mg (1,59-13,24 mg/day), heme iron 0,21 mg (0-1,22 mg/day), 93,9%% of iron intake below the RDA. There were 13,1% subjects with BMI >27 kg/m2; 20,2% with AC >94 cm and WHR >0,95; 34,5% with blood pressure >140/90 mm Hg. Abnormal total cholesterol level 41,4% (1200 mg/dL); abnormal HDL cholesterol 63,6% (<40 mg/dL); abnormal LDL cholesterol 52,5% (1130 mg/dL); abnormal triglyceride 1,1% (~0d mg/dL); abnormal fasting glucose 5,1% (?126 mgldL); 54,5% had smoking habits. Lack association between total iron (r=-0,038) and heme iron (r 0,027) with serum ferritin. Men with ferritin serum 1200 l.tg1L had an crude odds ration 5,5 fold suffer from CHD (according to ECG diagnostic) compare to subjects with ferritn serum <200 .iglL (CI. 0,87-34,33). Statistical analysis showed significant difference of serum ferritin median in diabetic and non diabetic subjects (p:1,001), overfatness subjects and normo fatness subjects (AC with. pC,009 and WHR with p=0,047).
Conclusion : There is no significant relationship between serum ferritin level and dietary intake. Bivariate analysis found moderate relationship between serum ferritin and CHD. Men with serum ferritin 1200 pglL had a crude odds ratio 5,5 fold suffer from CHD (according to ECG diagnostic) compare to the subjects with serum ferritin < 200 pg/L."