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Dini Resmita
"Tesis ini membahas tentang pelaksanaan manajemen arsip dinamis di IKM batik Kube Mukti Rahayu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi kasus. Data penelitian diambil menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan analisis dokumen. Periode pelaksanaan penelitian dimulai Februari 2021 hingga Desember 2021. Wawancara dilakukan kepada ketua, sekretaris, dan pengganti bendahara. Data diperoleh untuk mengidentifikasi faktor manajemen arsip dinamis dan untuk mengetahui dampak apa yang ditimbulkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan manajemen arsip di IKM batik Kube Mukti Rahayu belum ditunjang dengan fasilitas yang memadai dan petugas pencatatan yang belum memiliki pengetahuan dan keahlian di bidang kearsipan. Keadaan tersebut menimbulkan dampak negatif kepada organisasi. Oleh karena itu, IKM batik Kube Mukti Rahayu perlu untuk lebih memperhatikan pada pelaksanaan manajemen arsipnya. Hal yang perlu diperbaiki seperti menambah fasilitas penunjang manajemen arsip dan mengikutsertakan petugas kearsipan untuk mengikuti pelatihan manajemen arsip. Upaya tersebut agar pelaksanaan manajemen arsip dinamis di IKM batik Kube Mukti Rahayu lebih terorganisir, temu kembali arsip dapat terlaksana dengan lancar dan meningkatkan kepercayaan anggota

This thesis discusses the implementation of records management in IKM batik Kube Mukti Rahayu. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach and case study method. The research data were taken using interview, observation and document analysis techniques. The research implementation period started from February 2021 to December 2021. Interviews were conducted with the chairperson, secretary, and substitute treasurer. The data obtained to identify the records management factors and to find out what impact it has. The results of this study indicate that the application of records management in IKM batik Kube Mukti Rahayu has not been supported by adequate facilities and registrars who do not have knowledge and expertise in the field of records. This situation raise a negative impact on the organization. Therefore, IKM batik Kube Mukti Rahayu needs to pay more attention to the implementation of records management. Things that need to be improved such as adding supporting facilities for records management and involving archiving officers to take part in record management training. These efforts were conducted so that the implementation of records management in IKM batik Kube Mukti Rahayu is more organized, record retrieval can be carried out smoothly and increasing member trust."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidia Kristri Afrilita
"Tesis ini mengkaji pengalaman Tip of the Tongue (ToT) pada penutur bahasa Indonesia dan pengaruh kompleksitas fonotaktik terhadap kejadian ToT, serta implikasinya terhadap model akses leksikal. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimental dengan menciptakan situasi yang memicu kemunculan ToT pada responden. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah kelompok kata berfonotaktik sederhana dan berfonotaktik kompleks yang diseleksi dari kata berfrekuensi rendah (F=5) pada korpus IndonesianWaC. Data penelitian ini adalah semua fitur generic recall yang muncul selama kejadian ToT dan urutan kemunculan tiap-tiap informasi tersebut. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan prosedur analisis statistik, yaitu perhitungan frekuensi kemunculan, uji t satu sampel, dan uji korelasi Pearson.
Hasil analisis menjelaskan bahwa (1) fitur-fitur generic recall yang muncul pada ToT bahasa Indonesia adalah fitur relasi makna, definisi, dan memori episodik pada level konseptual; dan fitur segmen awal, segmen tengah, segmen akhir, jumlah suku kata, dan kemiripan fonologis pada level leksem; (2) variabel kompleksitas fonotaktik menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi probabilitas kejadian ToT; (3) model akses leksikal yang paling banyak muncul pada proses akses leksikal bahasa Indonesia adalah model serial; dan (4) kecenderungan kemunculan model serial terjadi pada kedua kelompok pola fonotaktik.

This research investigates Tip of the Tongue (ToT) experience amongst Indonesian speakers and the influence of phonotactics complexity towards ToT probability, and its implication towards lexical access model. This study applied experimental research design by creating a condition to trigger the occurence of ToT amongst the respondents. The source of data was a group of simple-phonotactics words and a group of complex-phonotactics words selected from low frequency words (F=5) found in IndonesianWaC corpus. The data of this research was all generic recall features and the order of information as mentioned by the respondents during lexical access process. The data was analyzed by applying statistical analysis procedures including frequency of occurence, t test one sample, dan Pearson correlation test.
The findings of this research indicated that (1) generic recall features found in Indonesian ToT include sense relation, definition, and episodic memory features on conceptual level; dan initial segment, middle segment, final segment, number of syllable, and phonological similarity features on lexeme level; (2) phonotactics complexity is one of the factors influencing the probability of ToT; (3) the most frequently occured lexical access model in Indonesian is serial model; and (4) the tendency towards serial model occurs in both phonotactics groups.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasintus Toin Runesi
"Tesis ini merupakan penelisikan teoritis mengenai pluralitas masyarakat semasa ini, dalam kerangka pemikiran teori kritis Axel Honneth. Berangkat dari faktisitas sosio-politik, yang ditandai dengan intensitas keragaman nilai, ideologi, gaya hidup, terjadi pula penajaman perbedaan identitas entah itu bersifat etno-kultural maupun etno-religius. Akibatnya, di satu sisi, kita menemukan dalam masyarakat adanya gejala eksklusivitas mayoritas terhadap minoritas, atau antaretnis dan antaragama akibat gesekan-gesekan sosial, dan di sisi lain, ada upaya untuk mengatasi problem semacam itu dengan mendorong inklusivitas sosial dalam masyarakat. Dengan menggunakan teori pengakuan Axel Honneth, yang dipahaminya sebagai sarana realisasi-diri individu, tesis ini menyatakan bahwa melalui pengakuan intersubjektif, terbuka kemungkinan masyarakat semasa menemukan jalan dialog bagi kebertemuan yang secara legal-normatif menjamin hidup bersama secara berdamai dan berkeadilan. Sehubung itu, dalam tesis ini, pengakuan intersubjektif disebut sebagai prinsip pro-eksistensi masyarakat plural.

This thesis is a theoretical scrutinize of the plurality of contemporary society, in the framework of critical theory of Axel Honneth. Departing from socio-political facticity, which is characterized by the intensity of the diversity of values, ideology, lifestyles, there is also sharpening difference whether it is the identity of ethno-cultural as well as ethno-religious. What emerges is, on the one hand, we find in society the symptoms of exclusivity between different societies, majority against minority, or interethnic and interreligious due to social friction, and on the other, there is an attempt to overcome such problems by encouraging social inclusiveness in agonistic society. By using the theory of Axel Honneth of intersubjective recognition, which is understood as a means of individual selfrealization, this theses states that through intersubjective recognition, opens the condition of finding the path of dialogue during the society for meeting between different socially community, which legally guarantees coexist peacefully and equitably. In this way, I call intersubjective recognition as the principle of proexistence in a plural society."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitria Sis Nariswari
"[Tesis ini membahas pemaknaan terhadap situs Gunung Kawi dan ritual ngalap berkah. Terdapat dua makam yang dikeramatkan di Gunung Kawi, yaitu makam Eyang Djoego dan Eyang Soedjono. Situs yang terkenal dengan situs untuk mencari pesugihan ini merupakan sebuah ruang yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai narasi dan persilangan kekuasaan untuk mempertahankan kepentingan pihak-pihak yang berkelindan, yaitu Yayasan Ngesti Gondo, Pemerintah Desa Wonosari, Pengurus Padepokan, dan Pramuwisata. Ritual ngalap berkah tidak
hanya dilakukan oleh para tamu kepada kedua makam, tetapi juga para pihak yang berkepentingan kepada para tamu. Data diperoleh dengan pendekatan etnografi (field study) termasuk in-depth interview di Dusun Wonosari, Desa Wonosari, Kecamatan Wonosari, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur dari bulan November 2014—Maret 2015. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa situs Gunung Kawi merupakan situs yang sangat menguntungkan bagi pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan jika ditinjau dari sisi ekonomi. Namun, di sisi lain, situs ini tidak pernah diakui keberadaannya secara resmi karena ritual ngalap berkah dianggap sebagai ritual yang tidak sesuai dengan ajaran agama;This research is about the meaning making process of Gunung Kawi site and the ngalap berkah rituals. There are two sacred graves in Gunung Kawi, the graves of Eyang Djoego and Eyang Soedjono. The site used to be a place for pesugihan which means a form of worship to gain riches. There are many narrations to defend the power of authority, namely Yayasan Ngesti Gondo, Pemerintah Desa Wonosari, Padepokan caretaker, and the guides. The ngalap berkah ritual is not only performed by the visitors of the ngalap berkah ritual, but also the
stakeholders. This research uses ethnography methods including in-depth interview method in Wonosari Village, Malang Regency, East Java since November 2014 until March 2015. The results show how Gunung Kawi site is beneficial for the authorities from economic side. On the other hand, the site was never officially recognized as a place for ngalap berkah ritual instead of the pesugihan ritual because it was considered as the proper rituals with the religious teaching., This research is about the meaning making process of Gunung Kawi site and the
ngalap berkah rituals. There are two sacred graves in Gunung Kawi, the graves of
Eyang Djoego and Eyang Soedjono. The site used to be a place for pesugihan
which means a form of worship to gain riches. There are many narrations to
defend the power of authority, namely Yayasan Ngesti Gondo, Pemerintah Desa
Wonosari, Padepokan caretaker, and the guides. The ngalap berkah ritual is not
only performed by the visitors of the ngalap berkah ritual, but also the
stakeholders. This research uses ethnography methods including in-depth
interview method in Wonosari Village, Malang Regency, East Java since
November 2014 until March 2015. The results show how Gunung Kawi site is
beneficial for the authorities from economic side. On the other hand, the site was
never officially recognized as a place for ngalap berkah ritual instead of the
pesugihan ritual because it was considered as the proper rituals with the religious
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yolanda Caroline
"[Penelitian ini berfokus pada pencitraan kota pusaka dalam laman informasi pariwisata resmi yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana citra kota pusaka Indonesia ditampilkan dan dipromosikan dalam teks sumber dan teks sasaran. Citra kota pusaka yang berbeda dalam terjemahan dipengaruhi oleh faktor ekstratekstual, intratekstual dan penerapan strategi penerjemahan dalam mencapai skopos penerjemahan. Citra kota pusaka pada terjemahan menunjukkan masih kuatnya pandangan kolonial dalam promosi pariwisata kota pusaka. Penelitian kualitatif komparatif ini menggunakan sumber data dari laman Indonesia.travel dan wawancara mendalam, serta berdasarkan pada teori fungsional Nord dan model Analisis Wacana Kritis Van Dijk. Hasil penelitian menyarankan penonjolan perspektif lokal dalam terjemahan berbahasa Inggris ketika mendiseminasikan citra kota pusaka Indonesia dalam promosi pariwisata Indonesia.

The focus of this research is the image of Indonesia`s heritage cities on the official tourism website, Indonesia.travel. The aim of this research is to study how Indonesia?s heritage cities are showed and promoted in the source texts and their English translations. Through the analysis of extratextual and intratextual factors along with the application of translation strategies to achieve the skopos of translation, it showed how the translation have made a different image of the heritage cities. Thus, it indicates that the colonialism perspective still dominating the promotion of Indonesia?s heritage cities. This qualitative comparative research, which collected data from the website of Indonesia.travel and in-depth interview, applied Nord?s functional theory and Van Dijk?s Critical Discourse Analysis. It suggests the emphasis on local perspective in English translation when disseminating heritage cities? image in Indonesia?s tourism promotion.;The focus of this research is the image of Indonesia’s heritage cities on the official tourism website, Indonesia.travel. The aim of this research is to study how Indonesia’s heritage cities are showed and promoted in the source texts and their English translations. Through the analysis of extratextual and intratextual factors along with the application of translation strategies to achieve the skopos of translation, it showed how the translation have made a different image of the heritage cities. Thus, it indicates that the colonialism perspective still dominating the promotion of Indonesia’s heritage cities. This qualitative comparative research, which collected data from the website of Indonesia.travel and in-depth interview, applied Nord’s functional theory and Van Dijk’s Critical Discourse Analysis. It suggests the emphasis on local perspective in English translation when disseminating heritage cities’ image in Indonesia’s tourism promotion, The focus of this research is the image of Indonesia’s heritage cities on the official tourism website, Indonesia.travel. The aim of this research is to study how Indonesia’s heritage cities are showed and promoted in the source texts and their English translations. Through the analysis of extratextual and intratextual factors along with the application of translation strategies to achieve the skopos of translation, it showed how the translation have made a different image of the heritage cities. Thus, it indicates that the colonialism perspective still dominating the promotion of Indonesia’s heritage cities. This qualitative comparative research, which collected data from the website of Indonesia.travel and in-depth interview, applied Nord’s functional theory and Van Dijk’s Critical Discourse Analysis. It suggests the emphasis on local perspective in English translation when disseminating heritage cities’ image in Indonesia’s tourism promotion]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atin Fitriana
"[Tesis ini mengkaji leksem deiktis dalam bahasa Jawa Kuno berdasarkan perilaku sintaktisnya. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teks Ādiparwa. Data diolah dengan menggunakan peranti lunak Sketch Engine. Peneliti memanfaatkan menu word list (daftar kata) dan baris konkordansi pada peranti lunak Sketch Engine untuk pemerolehan dan pengolahan data. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori deiksis dari Fillmore (1975) dan menggunakan teori sintaksis Dixon (2010), serta didukung oleh penelitian mengenai bahasa Jawa Kuno oleh Zoetmulder dan Poedjawijatna (1992 dan 1993). Analisis sintaktis yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini juga tidak terlepas dari aspek semantik karena aspek semantik tidak dapat dilepaskan dari analisis sintaktis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perilaku sintaktis leksem yang deiktis dalam bahasa Jawa Kuno pada teks Ādiparwa berbeda satu sama lain. Pada tataran frasa, leksem yang deiktis dalam bahasa jawa Kuno dapat membentuk beberapa frasa, seperti frasa pronominal, frasa nominal, frasa apositif, dan frasa preposisional. Pada tataran kalimat, leksem yang deiktis dapat mengisi fungsi subjek, predikat, objek, pelengkap, dan keterangan, bergantung pada kategori sintaktis leksem yang deiktis. Berdasarkan posisinya, leksem yang deiktis dapat berada di sebelah kiri atau kanan dari kata yang ditunjuk atau dijelaskannya.
;This thesis discussed about the deictic lexeme in Old Javanese based on its syntactic behavior. This research used Ādiparwa text as the data. The data was processed by software Sketch Engine. Researcher used wordlist and concordance menu in Sketch Engine to acquire and process the data. This research also used the deixis theory by Fillmore (1975), the syntax theory by Dixon (2010), and the research of Old Javanese by Zoetmulder and Poejawijatna (1992 and 1993). The syntactic analysis in this research was related with semantic aspect, because the semantic aspect cannot be separated from the syntactic analysis. The result of the analysis showed that the syntactic behavior of deictic lexeme in Old Javanese on Ādiparwa text was different from one deixis and the others. In the phrase level, the deictic lexeme can establish some phrases, such as pronominal phrase, nominal phrase, appositive phrase, and prepositional phrase. In the sentence level, the deictic lexeme can be function as subject, predicate, object, complement, and adjunct depended on syntactic category of deictic lexeme. Based on the position, the deictic lexeme can be placed in the right or left side the word that was referenced or explained.
, This thesis discussed about the deictic lexeme in Old Javanese based on its syntactic behavior. This research used Ādiparwa text as the data. The data was processed by software Sketch Engine. Researcher used wordlist and concordance menu in Sketch Engine to acquire and process the data. This research also used the deixis theory by Fillmore (1975), the syntax theory by Dixon (2010), and the research of Old Javanese by Zoetmulder and Poejawijatna (1992 and 1993). The syntactic analysis in this research was related with semantic aspect, because the semantic aspect cannot be separated from the syntactic analysis. The result of the analysis showed that the syntactic behavior of deictic lexeme in Old Javanese on Ādiparwa text was different from one deixis and the others. In the phrase level, the deictic lexeme can establish some phrases, such as pronominal phrase, nominal phrase, appositive phrase, and prepositional phrase. In the sentence level, the deictic lexeme can be function as subject, predicate, object, complement, and adjunct depended on syntactic category of deictic lexeme. Based on the position, the deictic lexeme can be placed in the right or left side the word that was referenced or explained.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hotnida Novita Sary
"[Penelitian ini mengkaji ungkapan metaforis dalam kitab Mazmur dari aspek semantis. Teori yang melandasi penelitian ini terutama teori metafora konseptual (Lakoff dan Johnson) dan model analisis metafora Knowles dan Moon. Secara teologis, mazmur dapat dibedakan ke dalam empat tipe, yaitu mazmur pujian, mazmur doa, mazmur raja, dan
mazmur pengajaran. Namun secara linguistis, terjadi kecenderungan penggunaan ranah sumber metafora pada tipe mazmur. Metafora Tuhan dalam mazmur doa dan mazmur raja cenderung menggunakan istilah yang berhubungan dengan pertahanan dan perlindungan
diri. Sebaliknya, dalam mazmur pujian, metafora yang menggambarkan Tuhan sebagai sesuatu yang berkuasa dan mulia cenderung lebih banyak. Selain itu, ungkapan metaforis menggunakan istilah yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan alam dan budaya setempat;This research examines the metaphorical expression in the Psalms of semantic aspects. The theory underlying this study primarily conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff and Johnson) and metaphor analysis model Knowles and Moon. Theologically, the psalm can be divided into four types: psalms of praise, psalms of prayer, psalms of king, and psalms
of teaching. But linguistically, there is a tendency on the use of the domain of the source of metaphor types of psalms. Picturing God in psalms of prayer and psalms of king tend to use terms associated with self-defense and protection. In contrast, in the psalms of praise, a metaphor describing God as something powerful and noble tend more. In addition, the metaphorical expression using terms related to the natural environment and local culture, This research examines the metaphorical expression in the Psalms of semantic aspects.
The theory underlying this study primarily conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff and
Johnson) and metaphor analysis model Knowles and Moon. Theologically, the psalm can
be divided into four types: psalms of praise, psalms of prayer, psalms of king, and psalms
of teaching. But linguistically, there is a tendency on the use of the domain of the source
of metaphor types of psalms. Picturing God in psalms of prayer and psalms of king tend
to use terms associated with self-defense and protection. In contrast, in the psalms of
praise, a metaphor describing God as something powerful and noble tend more. In
addition, the metaphorical expression using terms related to the natural environment and
local culture]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Aviandy
"[Pencitraan yang dilakukan oleh Putin dalam periode pemerintahannya menunjukan perbedaan yang signifkan dengan pencitraan yang umum dilakukan oleh pemimpin Rusia pada era Uni Soviet. Akan tetapi, proses pencitraan yang berlainan tersebut hanyalah wujud dari luar semata, pada sistem pemerintahan Putin totaliter kembali diberlakukan, seperti pada era Uni Soviet. Wujud demokrasi yang diperlihatkan pada diizinkannya demonstrasi, partai politik yang tidak tunggal, diizinkannya oposisi hanyalah etalase semata. Pada kenyataanya, Republik Federasi Rusia tetaplah negara otoriter yang dikendalikan oleh Putin sepenuhnya. Sosok Putin saat ini menggantikan sosok Partai pada era pemerintahan Uni Soviet dahulu.;Putin’s way to visualize his own image is different with the old ‘Soviet-Way’ of imagining someone as their leader. Putin is using popular culture rather than the old black and white or military typical portrait. This is a way from Putin to show the world that Russian Government has changed. However, Putin own policy shown that Russia was unlikely change into a better democratic country. Russia nowadays tend to be more totalitarian rather than democratic, it has the same similarities with the Soviet system. Putin’s total control of Russia today seems like a replacement of old Soviet’s totalitarian regime, Putin’s way to visualize his own image is different with the old ‘Soviet-Way’ of imagining someone as their leader. Putin is using popular culture rather than the old black and white or military typical portrait. This is a way from Putin to show the world that Russian Government has changed. However, Putin own policy shown that Russia was unlikely change into a better democratic country. Russia nowadays tend to be more totalitarian rather than democratic, it has the same similarities with the Soviet system. Putin’s total control of Russia today seems like a replacement of old Soviet’s totalitarian regime]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riva Delviatma
"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami proses preservasi pengetahuan di perpustakaan komunitas, mengidentifikasi pengetahuan penting yang harus dipelihara di perpustakaan komunitas, mengidentifikasi masalah penyebab ancaman kehilangan pengetahuan, serta menganalisis nilai potensial yang ada di perpustakaan komunitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, yang berfokus pada intepretasi pengetahuan yang dimiliki
pengelola serta pengalaman relawan dan masyarakat sekitar dalam memaknai keberadaan perpustakaan komunitas di wilayah tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan enam tahap proses preservasi pengetahuan dari World Bank (1998). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengetahuan tacit yang dimiliki pengelola merupakan pengetahuan yang penting dalam pengelolaan perpustakaan komunitas
dan sebagian kecil preservasi pengetahuan telah dilakukan secara tidak sadar oleh pengelola, khususnya tahap diseminasi pengetahuan. Akan tetapi, pengelola belum menyadari bahwa pengetahuan yang dimilikinya dan pengetahuan relawan yang terlibat merupakan aset penting dalam pengelolaan Rumah Baca Zikri. Selain itu, melalui preservasi pengetahuan ini dapat ditangkap beberapa makna
keberadaan Rumah Baca Zikri yaitu seperti nilai kekeluargaan, kebersamaan, kerja sama, keikhlasan, pengorbanan, tanggung jawab, kemandirian, kemanusiaan serta terdapat juga unsur kepercayaan;This research aims to understand the knowledge preservation in community
library, to indentify the important knowledge that have to be preserved in a community library, to identify the core problem of knowledge loss and to analyze the values which are embedded in community library. The research was conducted by using qualitative method with case study approach that mainly focused on the interpretation of owner/manager’s knowledge and the experiences of volunteers, users and surrounding neighbors. This research is based on the six
steps of knowledge preservation from World Bank (1998). The result shows that owner’s tacit knowledge is an essential knowledge to maintain the library and also reveals that few of the six steps have already been done, especially the knowledge dissemination phase. Unfortunately, the owner has not yet realized that his knowledge is an important asset to manage his library. Aside from that, by doing
this research, some values that are embedded in community library such as, kinship, togetherness, team work, sincerity, sacrifice, independency, humanity, and also personal trust can also be gathered, This research aims to understand the knowledge preservation in community
library, to indentify the important knowledge that have to be preserved in a
community library, to identify the core problem of knowledge loss and to analyze
the values which are embedded in community library. The research was
conducted by using qualitative method with case study approach that mainly
focused on the interpretation of owner/manager’s knowledge and the experiences
of volunteers, users and surrounding neighbors. This research is based on the six
steps of knowledge preservation from World Bank (1998). The result shows that
owner’s tacit knowledge is an essential knowledge to maintain the library and also
reveals that few of the six steps have already been done, especially the knowledge
dissemination phase. Unfortunately, the owner has not yet realized that his
knowledge is an important asset to manage his library. Aside from that, by doing
this research, some values that are embedded in community library such as,
kinship, togetherness, team work, sincerity, sacrifice, independency, humanity,
and also personal trust can also be gathered]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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