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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Diyah Wulandari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari determinan yang mempengaruhi pemilihan tipe institusi pendidikan tinggi dengan menggunakan data Susenas tahun 2012. Variabel jenjang, beasiswa, memiliki akses internet, rasio biaya pendidikan terhadap pengeluaran rumah tangga dan biaya transportasi mempengaruhi secara signifikan partisipan dalam memilih tipe institusi pendidikan tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa partisipan yang memiliki akses internet, penerima beasiswa, memiliki rasio biaya pendidikan terhadap pengeluaran rumah tangga dan biaya transportasi lebih tinggi serta berjenjang Diploma memiliki kecenderungan untuk memilih Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS).
This research aims to study the determinants influencing the selection of the type of higher education institution using the 2012 Indonesia National Survey. The level of education, usage of internet, scholarships, ratio the cost of education to the household expenses and transportation costs significantly influence participants of high education in selecting the type of higher education. The results showed that participants with internet access, receives scholarship, has a ratio of the cost of education on household spending and higher transportation costs has a tendency to choose Private Owned University (PTS).;This research aims to study the determinants influencing the selection of the type of higher education institution using the 2012 Indonesia National Survey. The level of education, usage of internet, scholarships, ratio the cost of education to the household expenses and transportation costs significantly influence participants of high education in selecting the type of higher education. The results showed that participants with internet access, receives scholarship, has a ratio of the cost of education on household spending and higher transportation costs has a tendency to choose Private Owned University (PTS)., This research aims to study the determinants influencing the selection of the type of higher education institution using the 2012 Indonesia National Survey. The level of education, usage of internet, scholarships, ratio the cost of education to the household expenses and transportation costs significantly influence participants of high education in selecting the type of higher education. The results showed that participants with internet access, receives scholarship, has a ratio of the cost of education on household spending and higher transportation costs has a tendency to choose Private Owned University (PTS).]
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohanes Eko Ariyanto
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berfokus pada revitalisasi UPT. Laboratroium Uji Narkoba Dalam Mendukung Program Pemberdayaan Masyatakat, yang belum optimal dalam rangka menciptakan masyarakat imun akan narkoba khususnya di lingkungan pendidikan dan lingkungan pekerja. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan positivism. Model penelitian ini dengan menggunakan teori revitalisasi menurut Gouillart dan Kelly (1995), dengan cara menselaraskan organisasi dengan lingkungannya yang dapat dicapai melalui 3 tahapan atau pendekatan yaitu : Pertama, Pencapaian fakus pasar, Kedua, penciptaan bisnis baru, Ketiga dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Informan penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga orang pejabat UPT. Laboralroium Uji Narkoba, dua orang pejabat Pemberdayaan Masyarakat serta Mahasiswa dan Pekerja. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, sedangkan analisis merujuk pada proses tentang pencocokan data, bagaimana membuat yang samar menjadi nyata, menghubungkan akibat dengan sebab, yang merupakan suatu proses verifikasi dan dugaan, koreki dan modifikasi. Dari analisis terhadap hasil wawancara, disimpulkan bahwa: Pertama, untuk pencapaian fokus pasar, UPT Lahomtorium Uji Narkoba dalam memberikan dukungan kegiatan Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, belumlah optimal disebabkan UPT. Laboratorium Uji Narkoba tidak mempunyai program khusus kegiatan, dalam mendukung Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat maupun dukungan kegiatan ke satuan kerja lain, karena UPT Laboratorium Uji Narkoba lebih bersifat menunggu dan akan aktif bila adanya permohonan permintaan dari pihak lain (tidak jemput bola). Kedua penciptaan bisnis baru, UPT Laboratorium Uji Narkoba Saat ini dalam pengujian spesimen sebatas pengujian urine, dan belum bisa menguji kuku, kringat dan rambut, Ketiga pemanfaatkan teknologi informasi, UPT Laboratorium Uji Narkoba sudah menfaatkan teknologi dengan mambuat LIS internal, Website, dan telpon layanan 24 jam.
This study focuses on the revitalization of UPT. Drug Testing Laburatory in supporting the Community Empowerment Program that is not optimal in order to create a society immune to drugs, especially in the educational environment and work environment. This study includes qualitative research with positivism approach. This research model uses revitalization theory of Gouiilart and Kelly (1995), by harmonizing the organization with the environment that can be achieved through three stages or approaches: First, Achieving Market Focus, Second, New Business Creation, Third, Utilization of Information Technology Informants of this study consisted of three officials of UPT. Laboratorium Drug Test, two officials of the Community Empowerment Program as well as the student and employees. The data was collected through indepth interviews, while the analysis refers to the process of matching the data, how to make something vague to be real connecting the result with a cause, which is a verification process and allegations, corrections and modifications. From the analysis of the interviews, it was concluded that : First, to the Achievment of Market Focus. Drug Testing Laboratory Unit in providing support activities fur Community Empowerment Program is not yet optimal. This is because UPT. Drug Testing Laboratory does not have a program of activities in supporting the Community Empowerment Program as well as supporting the activities of other work units. Another reason is UPT. Drug Testing Laboratory is more waiting and will be active when the application requests from other parties (not proactive), The second, New Business Creation, UPT Drug Testing Laboratory is currently in limited testing, only urine specimens testing, can not test the nails, sweat and hair, The Third, Use of Information Technology. UPT Drug Testing Laboratory has been utilizing technology to make the LIS (Laboratory Internal System), Website, and telephone service 24 hours.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai efektifitas pogram Pembekalan Bagi Para Kader-Kadcr Penyuluh Pelajar Tentang Pentingnya Bahaya Narkoba yang dilaksanakan o1eh Direktorat Advokasi Deputi Bidang Pencegahan BNN pada tahun 2010 di Badan Narkotika Propinsi Lampung. Masalah Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan, Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba (P4GN) bukanlah merupakan tanggung jawab pemerintah atau dalam hal ini BNN semata. Diperlukan peran serta masyarakat termasuk pelajar untuk turut membantu upaya penanggulangannya. BNN memandang penting keberadaan atau peranserta pelajar dalam menanggulangi penyalahgunaan narkoba di lingkungan sekolah rnelalui kelompok ternan sebaya, salah satunya adalah melalui program pembekalan bagi kader-kader penyuluh pelajar tentang pentingnya bahaya narkoba. Diharapkan dengan memberdayakan peranserta pelajar me!alui kelompok tcman sebaya, maka akan diperoleh hasil yang lebih efektif dalam pelaksanaan program P4GN di lingkungan pelajar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif Hasil penelitian yang didapat menggambarkan bahwa program pembekalan yang dilaksanakan oleh Direktorat Advokasi Deputi Bidang Pencegahan BNN pada tahun 2010 di Badan Narkotika Propinsi Lampung, tingkat efektifitasnya tinggi.
This Theses is discussing about the effectiveness provisioning program for cadres counselor student conecrning the importance of the dangerous drugs (Narcotics & Prohibited drugs). Executed by the directorate of Advocacy deputy for prevention BNN in 2010 in Narcotics Board in Lampung Province. The problem of prevention, abuse and trafficking of drugs (P4GN) is not solely the governmcnt's responsibility in this case represented by BNN but also involving the societies including the students to take part to assist the effort of handling,

BNN cares the importance of the existence or involving students in handling the abuse of drugs in the school eenvironment through the group friends who are at the same age, one of them is through the provisioning program for cadres counselor students concerning the importance of dangerous drugs expected by tricking. involving students through the group friends who have the same age, so it will be achieved more effective result in executing program P4GN in students environment. This research is the quantitative research. The research result shows that lhe provisioning program conducted by the Directorate Advocacy deputy fOr prevention BNN in 2010 in narcotics board in Lampung province, the grade of the effectiveness is high.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ary Sulistyo
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang kelestarian lingkungan pada Kampung Adat Sunda Kawasan Gunung Halimun Selatan. Kampung Adat Cengkuk adalah salah satu kampung pengikut yang mengikuti tradisi atau Kasepuhan Ciptagelar dalam pengelolaan lingkungan. Faktor dari dalam dan luar kampung menyebabkan deforestasi hutan alam rata-rata sekitar 6-8% per tahun. Pertambahan penduduk kampung mencapai rata-rata 5,35% per tahun dikategorikan sangat padat. Tradisi atau adat Kasepuhan masih dianut warga kampung dengan menjaga hutan tutupan (leuweung tutupan) di sebelah selatan Kampung hanya untuk kegiatan subsistensi. Perubahan sosio-kultur terjadi pada masyarakat dengan tidak melakukan kegiatan berladang di hutan (outer island agriculture)tetapi lebih kepada kegiatan bertani di sawah (wet rice cultivation). Pengurangan pada proses dan kegiatan upacara, yang semula delapan upacara daur ladang menjadi lima upacara daur sawah. Kegiatan yang profan lebih banyak pada pengembangan komoditas tanaman ekonomi di kebun-talun. Pola keruangan dalam aspek kelestarian lingkungan juga masih menempatkan posisi; gunung-pemukiman-sungai; kampung inti-kampung pengikut. Kampung yang secara geografis lebih tinggi memiliki tradisi yang lebih ketat dibandingkan dengan kampung yang lebih rendah.
This research focused on the etemality of environment of indigenous Sunda Village of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar at Southem Halimun Mountain. The indigenous of Cengkuk Village was one compose of several cluster villages who still follow the tradition or Kasepuhan Ciptagelar in environmental management. There were internal factors and external factors led to deforestation of natural forests on average around 6-8% per year. The growth of population which was rise up until 5,35% per year was categorized as extremely dense. Kasepuhan indigenous tradition in people at the south of the village is still practicing by protecting forestland (leuweung tutupan) only for their subsistence. Social-culture changes were occurring in the community with no agricultural activities in the forest (outer island agriculture), but agricultural activities in the field (wet rice cultivation). Reduction ln process and ceremonial activities also happened, which was originally held eight ceremonial outer island agriculture rituals into five ceremonial of wet rice cultivation. More profane activities were developing economic crops in kebun-talun. The spatial pattern in environmental aspect was still having position; mountain-settlement-river; the main indigenous village of Kasepuhan-and the compose of several cluster villages. Indigenous villages that were geographically higher usually have more stricted tradition than the lower one.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library