This study explored the effect of country of origin information on repurchase intention. Lea Jeans, an Indonesian jean brand which is currently being distributed in the Indonesian market, was used as the focus of the study. The effect of ?madein Indonesia? on repurchase intention of Lea Jeans was investigated through a survey, on a sample of 100 Indonesian consumers that both potential and current users of Lea Jeans.The research method that researcher used is descriptive. It means that the research is dscribed accurately using facts, spoken or written words, action, and visual images. The approach used in this research is quantitative approach. The goal is to try to find an understanding about the effect country of origin on tepurchaseintention. The research type is descriptive. The data collection technique used in this research is by reading the literature which focus on the research, observation, and intervies.The finding of this study contribute to the previous research on the effect of origin cue in brand knowledge and provide further insight into understanding consumer behavior. Examining this unexpected success of a less developed country brand in a market occupied by develop country brand points out that consumers don?t always associate products from less developed countries with low quality contrary to what the existing literature suggests. |