Dalam tulisan skripsi ini akan dibahas tentang kepemimpinan Francisco Franco di Spanyol dari tahun 1939 sampai dengan tahun 1975. Dalam tulisan ini juga dijelaskan tentang bagaimana bentuk kepemimpinan Francisco Franco dan juga menjelaskan bagaimana dia bisa mempertahankan kekuasaannya selama 36 tahun di Spanyol, mulai dari kebijakan ekonomi, kerja sama internasional dan juga kebijakan politik. Beberapa teori digunakan dalam menjelaskan skripsi ini, seperti konsep kepemimpinan politik dan konsep fasisme. Dalam konsep pemikiran kebijakan politik, dijelaskan juga tentang hubungannya dengan konsep militerisme. Francisco Franco memimpin negara Spanyol pada tahun 1939. Dia memimpin Spanyol setelah kelompok nasionalis yang dipimpinnya mendapatkan kemenangan melawan kelompok Republik dalam perang saudara di Spanyol. Dalam perang saudara tersebut, Spanyol dibantu oleh negara ? negara yang mempunyai ideologi fasis, yaitu Jerman dan Italia. Kedua negara tersebut kemudian hancur dalam perang dunia II, namun Spanyol dan kepemimpinan Franco tidak mengalami kehancuran. Dalam kepemimpinannya di Spanyol, Francisco Franco sering melakukan penindasaan kepada rakyatnya untuk tetap bisa mempertahankan kekuasaan rezimnya. Segala bentuk yang menentang berjalannya rezim pemerintahannya, diredam dengan kekuatan militer. Meskipun kepemimpinan Franco telah melakukan banyak pelanggaran terhadap hak asasi manusia, namun rezim Franco tetap bisa bertahan memimpin Spanyol sampai akhir hayatnya pada tahun 1975. This thesis will analyze the government policy of Francisco Franco in Spain during the period 1939 until 1975. For those purpose, there are also some explanation about the form of Franco?s political leadership and how he maintained. In leading Spain, Franco often used aggression and force on his people, but still managed to rule the country for 36 years. The thesis using qualitative method research by searching some secondary documents and study literature. This related to the concept of political leadership, its relation to military and militarism, and also fascism concept. According to this method, there are several research question which furthermore will be analyzed. In this thesis, the writer will analyze the strategies enforced by Franco to and maintain his leadership after the Spanish civil war from 1936-1939. This literature analyzes how Franco?s Government made an effort to maintain it?s regime by opposing any form of mutiny and also establishing regulations that favored the government. Some of the regulations in Franco?s regime analyzed in this literature consist of economic regulations, international affairs and also Franco?s political regulations in Spain. One of Franco?s failed regulations was his effort in establishment of the autarky system in Spain, but this system was stopped in order to solve Spain?s worsening economic situation at the time. Overall during his 36 year regime, Franco applied a facist policy concept in Spain. Franco applied a system based on the facist ideology to create loyalty to the country by denying individual rights, freedom and also enforcing economic and social regulations. Any form of rebellion and opposition was countered by military force. The Spanish people were forced into supporting the laws that were made by Franco?s government until it?s end in 1975. Franco?s regime ended with his illness and eventual death. |