Penelitian tesis ini dilakukan di 5 negara Asean, yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipina, Singapura dan Thailand mengenai pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam periode waktu 1990-2007. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Variabel-variabel penelitian yang dianalisis adalah variabel trade openness, investasi, populasi dan inflasi dengan menggunakan metode regresi analisis data panel. Hasil penelitian antara lain berupa nilai-nilai koefisien untuk setiap variabel, kemudian nilai koefisien tersebut dianalisis untuk mendapatkan jawaban dari permasalahan penelitian. Adapun hasil pengolahan data serta analisis data akan diuraikan bahwa trade openness dan investasi signifikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi di negara-negara Asean 5 secara positif. Sementara variable inflasi signifikan secara negatif mempengaruhi pertumbuhan economi Asean 5. The research for this thesis took place in 5 countries of Asean, there are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Singapore and Thailand. It is about economic growth in time period 1990-2007. In objective is to review the result of development that has been achieved in that time period. The research variables that analyzed are trade openness, investment, population and inflation which use regression method with pool data analysis. From the result of the research the coefficient value for each variable was gained, than the cooefficient value was analyzed to obsain the answer for set of problem of this research. The result of data processing and data analyzing will be explained that trade openness and investment are significantly influencing economic growth and positive relationship. Inflation significantly influencing the economic growth and it has negative relationship in Asean 5 countries. |