ABSTRAK Keluarga dengan anak retardasi mental di Kabupaten Sumedang sekitar 10.898 orangdari 1.089.889 penduduk di Kabupaten Sumedang, dan yang tercatat di SLB-Csekabupaten sumedang hanya 218 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Memperolehgambaran tentang pengaruh pelaksanaan terapi Self-Help Groups terhadap kopingkeluarga dengan anak Retardasi mental di SLB-C Kabupaten Sumedang tahun 2009sehingga dapat mengurangi faktor resiko terjadinya gangguan. Metode penelitianadalah adalah ”Quasi experimental pre-post test with control group” denganintervensi self help group. Cara pengambilan sampel adalah purposive samplingdengan sampel sebanyak 22 keluarga . Alat pengumpulan data menggunakankuesioner karakteristik keluarga dan kuesioner koping keluarga. Self help groupdilakukan pada dua kelompok; kelompok I diberikan self help group dengan enamkali pertemuan (empat kali bimbingan dan dua kali mandiri), kelompok IItidak diberikan self help group. Analisa data menggunakan univariat denganmenganalisa secara deskriptif dengan menghitung distribusi frekuensi dan sentraltendensi. Analisa Bivariat menggunakan Independent sample t-test, Chi-Square danDependent sample t-test. Multivariat menggunakan pearson product moment danRank spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan kopingsetelah self-help group pada keluarga dengan anak retardasi mental secara bermaknadan terjadi perubahan dari koping maladaptif menjadi adaptif (p value = 0,000). Padakelompok yang hanya diberikan terapi generalis terjadi juga peningkatan kemampuankoping keluarga dengan anak retardasi mental tetapi peningkatan tersebut masihberada di koping maladaptif. Direkomendasikan untuk membentuk kelompok selfhelpgroup lainnya di lingkungan SLB-C. ABSTRACT Family and children with mental retardation at Sumedang district are almost 10.898people of 1.089.889 population at Sumedang district, and they are only 218 peoplewhich recorded at SLB-C of Sumedang district. This study purpose to find describingthe effect of implementing Self Help Groups therapy toward coping family andchildren with mental retardation at SLB-C of Sumedang District in 2009 so it candecrease risk factors of disturbance occur. This study used design of quasiexperimental pre-post test with control group by self help group intervention. Thisstudy used a purposive sampling on getting samples by 22 families as samples. Theequipment on collecting data using questionares of family characteristic and familycoping. Self help group has been done for two groups where the first group was givenself help group for six times of meeting (four times for guiding and two times forstanding alone), while the second group was given self help group. Analized dataused univariate by analizing as descriptive by calculating frequency distribution andcentral tendency. Bivariate analysis used Independent sample t-test, Chi-Square andDependent sample t-test. Multivariate analysis used pearson product moment andrank spearman. Study result indicated improvement the abilities of coping family andchildren with mental retardation as means (p value = 0,000). It was recommended tobuild and implementing self help group for family who had children with mentalretardation.Family and children with mental retardation at Sumedang district are almost 10.898 people of 1.089.889 population at Sumedang district, and they are only 218 people which recorded at SLB-C of Sumedang district. This study purpose to find describing the effect of implementing Self Help Groups therapy toward coping family and children with mental retardation at SLB-C of Sumedang District in 2009 so it can decrease risk factors of disturbance occur. This study used design of quasi experimental pre-post test with control group by self help group intervention. This study used a purposive sampling on getting samples by 22 families as samples. The equipment on collecting data using questionares of family characteristic and family coping. Self help group has been done for two groups where the first group was given self help group for six times of meeting (four times for guiding and two times for standing alone), while the second group was given self help group. Analized data used univariate by analizing as descriptive by calculating frequency distribution and central tendency. Bivariate analysis used Independent sample t-test, Chi-Square and Dependent sample t-test. Multivariate analysis used pearson product moment and rank spearman. Study result indicated improvement the abilities of coping family and children with mental retardation as means (p value = 0,000). It was recommended to build and implementing self help group for family who had children with mental retardation. |