Skripsi ini membahas mengenai representasi sejarah Jerman Timur dalam film Goodbye, Lenin!. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Reperesentasi dan Identitas dari Stuart Hall dalam menganalisis keseharian masyarakat Jerman Timur dalam narasi film. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa terdapat paradoks dalam rekonstruksi sejarah yang direpresentasikan dalam sumber resmi (film dokumenter, siaran televisi, koran dan sebagainya) dengan keseharian masyarakatnya. Perbedaan ini memperlihatkan adanya propaganda ideologi rezim yang berkuasa dalam sejarah yang ditampilkan ke hadapan masyarakat melalui sumber-sumber resmi tersebut. Sejarah sebagi produk budaya adalah media propaganda bagi pemerintah dan tidak pernah tampil sebenar-benarnya. This thesis is about the representation of East Germany_s history in the film Goodbye, Lenin!. This thesis is using the theory of Stuart Hall i.e. the representation and cultural identity as the tool to analyze the images of East German_s daily life. The research proves that there is an oppositional image in the reconstruction of history that is represented in official sources (documentary film, broadcast television, newspaper and so on) and in everyday life. Furthermore it also proves that ideological propaganda of the ruling regimes does exist in the history through those official sources. History as a cultural product is media propaganda for the government and never appears in truth, whereas the daily routine of ordinary people is the opposite of the ideology. This film also shows that the aftermath of the German Reunification, which was propagated as a success still has another side of the story, the dissatisfaction of the former people of GDR. |