Ekstrak etanol kulit kayu jamblang (Syzygium cumini Skeels) telah diuji untuk mengetahui efek penurunan kadar glukosa darah tikus yang diberi diit glukosa. Hewan percobaan dibagi menjadi lima kelompok dan tiap kelompok terdiri dari lima ekor tikus. Kelompok 1 (kontrol normal), kelompok II (kontrol pembanding), Kelompok III, IV, dan V (kontrol perlakuan). Kontrol normal diberi larutan CMC 0,5%, kontrol pembanding diberi suspensi glibenklamid, dan kelompok perlakuan diberi ekstrak etanol kulit kayu jamblang secara oral dengan dosis berturut-turut 0,72 g/200 g bb; 1,44/200 g bb; dan 2,88 g/ 200 g bb. Ekstrak etanol kulit kayu jamblang dibuat menjadi suspensi dengan menggunakan CMC 0,5%. Pada 1/2 jam setelah perlakuan, menunjukkan adanya penurunan kadar glukosa darah yang signifikan pada semua kelompok perlakuan setelah dianalisis secara statistik dengan uji ANOVA (α < 0,05). Penurunan kadar glukosa darah terhadap kontrol normal paling besar ditunjukkan oleh kontrol perlakuan yang diberi dosis 2,88 g/200 g bb, yaitu sebesar 30,07% setelah 1/2 jam. Ethanol extract of bark of jamblang (Syzygium cumini Skeels) has been examined to find out effect of blood glucose concentration of rat that was treated with glucose diet. The animal divided to five groups and each group consisted of five rats. Group I was normal control, group II was comparison control), and group III , IV, V were treated control. Normal control group was treated with 0,5% CMC solution, comparison control group was treated with glibenclamid suspention and treated control group was gived orally with etanol extract of bark of Syzygium cumini with the following doses; 0,72 g/200 g bw; 1,44/200 g bw; and 2,88 g/ 200 g bw. Ethanol extract of jamblang?s bark was made into suspention in 0,5% CMC solution. At half an hour after the treatment, blood glucose concentration showed a significant decrease in the treated control group. After being analyzed statistically with ANOVA test (α < 0,05). The highest decrease of blood glucose concentration compared to normal control group was showed by the treated control group (2,88 g/200 g bw) by 30,07% after half an hour. |