Telah dilakukan uji teratogenitas Nat'iuñi. difeni1hi dantoin (Na-DPH) pada mencit strain Biomedis, bertujuan untuk memprediksi sensitivitas strain mi terhadap pemberian obat.Berat badan mencit antara 20-25 grain,berumur 2,5 bjlan.Dosis yang digunakan 50 mg/kg BB atau 100 mg/kg BB dan kontrol,dilarutkan dalam larutan 0.05% NaOH,diberikan secara intraperitoneal.Mencit yang hamil dibagi seca-ra random menjadi 12 subke1ompok.0bat diberikan selarna 3 hari dalam periode organogenesis pada hari ke 6 - 8; 9 - 11; 12.- 14 kehamilan serta dosistunggal pada hari ice 12kehamilan.Pemeniksaan fetus dilakukan setelah histerektomi pada hari ice 18 kehamilan.Dihitung jumlah fetus hidup tanpa cacat,yang. mengalami resorpsi dan mati intrauterus serta fetus cacat I yang dilihat secara rnakroskopik.Dianalisa juga berat badan mencit selama kehamilan.Dengan analisa statistic (Fisher test) menunjukkan pangaruh bermakna terhadap prevalensi cacat bawaan dibandingkan keiompok.kontroi Tidak terdapatpengaruh bermakna obat terhadap berat badan mencit selama kehamilan. The teratogenicity of Diphenyihydantoin Sodium (DPH -Na) has been investigated on strain mjce,in orderto predict the sensitivity of 'this strain against DPH-Na.The average body weight of the 2.5 months female mice were20 to 25 gramThe dosages of 50 rag/kg B.W. or 100 mg/kg B.Win 0.05% NaOH solutionwere used, they were given intraperitoneally.The pregnant mice were randomly devided into 12sub groups based on the treatment schedule. Thedrug-weregiven three days in their organogenesis period i.e on the6th to 8th; 9th to llth;.i2tho 14th of gestation day anda single dose on the 12th day.Fetus examination was carriedout after mice laparotomy on the 18th day of. pregnancy. Thenumbers of all living and intact dead fo&tuses with resorptiona.nh foetuses with congenital anomalies were observedand recorded.Thë weight gain along the pregnancy were alsoanalised.With statistical analyses (Fisher test) it wasshown that there were significant effect of PR-Na on thecongenital anomalies prevalence compared to the-controlgroup (p<0.05)-.There were significant effect (Fisher test),of the administering days on the cleft palate prevalencythat were on the 9th - 11th;. 12th; 12th -.14th of gestationday (p<0.05).There were also significant effect (Chi squaretest)orte medicine on the resorption and intrauterinedeaths of all the groups (p<0..05).The effect of DPH-Na on.'the weight gain along the pregnancy was not significant(Anova two way test). |