Tesis ini tentang strategi pemasaran perpustakaan perguruan tinggi yang dilakukan di Perpustakaan Universitas ? Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (PUUKSW) Salatiga untuk membahas dan menganalisa langkah-langkah yang telah dilakukan oleh PU-UKSW dalam kaitannya dengan strategi pemasaran. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Dalam temuan penelitian ini terungkap bahwa strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh PU-UKSW tidak terencana dan terprogram dengan baik, sekalipun langkah-langkah strategi pemasaran: segmentation, targeting dan positioning serta bauran pemasaran (4P/PC) dilakukan. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut menyarankan bahwa PU-UKSW perlu merumuskan ulang visi-misi dan memasarkannya secara internal untuk dipahami staf, serta PU-UKSW membuat perencanaan marketing strategis untuk melakukan pemasaran yang berhasil dan memasukkannya dalam program kerja secara terstruktur. Untuk dunia kepustakawanan perlu memasukan satu unit dalam struktur organisasi yang menangani pemasaran secara khusus dan untuk dunia pendidikan kepustakawanan perlu membekali mahasiswa dengan bidang pemasaran perpustakaan.This thesis is about the marketing strategy implemented in a university library _ Satya Wacana Christian University Library Salatiga. It discusses and analyses the stages that the library has taken in terms of marketing strategy. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive design. The findings indicate that the library has not prepared a wellplanned marketing strategy, although it has carried out the stages in marketing strategy, which are segmentation, targeting, positioning and marketing mix (4P/PC). This research recommends that SWCU library 1). Should redefine its vision and mission statement and market it internally to its staff, 2). Prepare a strategic marketing plan and include it in the library?s program. In regards to librarianship, it is necessary to have a marketing unit within a library?s organizational structure; while in relation to library education, it is necessary to include library marketing in the curriculum.;This thesis is about the marketing strategy implemented in a university library _ Satya Wacana Christian University Library Salatiga. It discusses and analyses the stages that the library has taken in terms of marketing strategy. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive design. The findings indicate that the library has not prepared a wellplanned marketing strategy, although it has carried out the stages in marketing strategy, which are segmentation, targeting, positioning and marketing mix (4P/PC). This research recommends that SWCU library 1). Should redefine its vision and mission statement and market it internally to its staff, 2). Prepare a strategic marketing plan and include it in the library?s program. In regards to librarianship, it is necessary to have a marketing unit within a library?s organizational structure; while in relation to library education, it is necessary to include library marketing in the curriculum. |