Selama ini tolak ukur segmentasi pasar yang umum digunakan adalah berdasarkan demografi, geografi, behavioristik, dan psikografi. Tetapi dengan semakin kompleksnya teknologi yang ada telah membuat perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat. Perubahan ini mendorong pakar-pakar riset pemasaran dan ahli tingkah laku manusia untuk memformulasikan pola kategorisasi segmentasi pasar yang baru berbasiskan nilai-nilai teknologi, dikenal sehagai teknografi. Teknografi membuat segmen terkategorisasi atas dasar nilai nilai keinginan, dan kemampuan untuk menginvestasikan dalam hal teknologi. Teknografi diperkenalkan oleh Forester berdasarkan penelitiannya yang dilakukan di Cambridge, Massachusetts yang menyimpulkan bahwa teknografi mempengaruhi molivasi konsumen dalam rnembeli dan menggunakan teknologi. Dengan teknogrnfi, pasar dapat terhagi-bagi alas segmen neoheartminders, traditionalist, fast forward. techno strivers, hanshakers, mouse potatoes, gadged grahers, media junkies, cyber-snobbs, x-tech, country clubbers, dan srdelineĀ zitizens. CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) yang merupakan altematif layanan jaringan telepon selular selain GSM (Global System for Mobile... The market segmentation comonly used are based on demographics, geographies, behavioristics, and psychographies. But, technology advancements shift the society's lifestyle. These changes drives market research expert and behaviorist to formulating new market segmentation category based on technology values, named technographics. Technographics segmentize society based on motivation, want. and ability to Invest in technology values. Technographics was introduced by Forester based on his research done in Cambridge, Massachusetts which conclude technographics influences consumer motivation in buying and using of technology. Technographics divided the market into neoheartminders, traditionalist, fast forward, techno strivers, hanshakers, mouse potatoes, gadged grabers, media junkies, cyber-snobbs, x-tech, country clubbers, dan sideline-citizens. CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is an alternative to GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) CDMA is relatively new in Indonesia and recent time has been deployed in several areas within Indonesia teri1ory. CDMA, with has better technology than GSM, it predicted having large market opportunity. This research is focused on figuring out the size of market... |