Persaingan industri telah mengakibatkan perusaoan-perusahaan rnenjadi lebih folcus kepada pelanggannya (customer-oriented). Kepuasan pClE|.1'lgg3Il menjacli tujuan dari setiap perusahaan karena pelanggan yang merasa puas diyakini memiliki kecenderungan untuk membeli kembali, mempromosikan ke orang lain, dan menjadi lebih loyal.Salah satu industri yang berkembang pesat di Indonesia adalah telekomunikasi selular. Jumlah operator selular terus bertambah, baik GSM maupun CDMA. Walaupun Telkomsel masih menguasai pangsa pasar di Indonesia, perlu dikembangkan strategi-strategi baru untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan supaya Telkomsel tetap menjadi operator selular terbesar di Indonesia.Karena Salah satu pertimbangan utama pelanggan dalam memilih operator selular didasari oleh perfomna jaringan yang dimiliki operator tersebut, maka penelitian ini akan memfokuskan pada kepuasan pelanggan terhadap performs jaringan. Penelitian juga dibatasi hanya mengukur kepuasan pelanggan untuk komunikasi suara dan SMS di area Jabotabek, mengingat itulah jenis komunilcasi yang paling sering dilakukan pelanggan di Jabotabek.Pengukuran kepuasan pelanggan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode SERVPERF. Selain menilai kualitas jaringan, pelanggan juga diminta memberikan penilaian terhadap kesesuian tarifdibandingkan dengan kualitas yang mereka rasakan. Lalu, untuk memastikan Telkomsel tidak melakukan strategi yang sia-sia, pelanggan jug:-1 ditanyakan apa yang rnenjadi keinginan mereka. Pengidentifikasian keinginan pelanggan dilakukan berdasarkan model Kano.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perfonna jaringan untuk kornunikasi suara dan SMS dapat diukur clari lima dimensi, yaitu kualitas transmisi suara di dalam ruangan, kualitas transmisi SMS, kualitas transmisi suara di Iuar ruangan dengan sesama pelanggan Telkomsel dan pengguna PSTN, kualitas transmisi suara di luar ruangan dengan pelanggan operator lain, dan kualitas cakupan jaringan- Dimensi dengan tingkat kepuasan terendah adalah dimensi kualitas transmisi suara di dalam ruangan dan dimensi kualitas cakupan jaringan. Hasil analisis regresi juga menunjukkan kedua dimensi inilah yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan terhadap keseluruhan performa jaringan. Hasil pengolahan model Kano semakin menguatkan hal ini, dimaria pelnggan menganggap peningkatan perfomua jaringan di dalam ruangan sebagai must-be requirements. The competitive market has forced many companies to be more customer-oriented. Delivering customer satisfaction has become the objective for many companies because they believe that customer satisfaction can lead to repeat purchasing, favorable word-of-mouth publicity, and increase customer loyalty.One of the industries that have growth rapidly in Indonesia is the cellular telecommunication industry. There are more cellular operators now, both GSM and CDMA. Even though Telkomsel has been the biggest cellular operator in Indonesia, it still needs new strategies to improve the customer satisfaction if Telkomsel wants to maintain its position in the market.Realizing that most customers emphasized the network perfonnance in choosing cellular operator, this research focused in measuring the customer satisfaction of Tellcomsel’s network performance. The evaluation was based on the use of two types of communication mostly done by the customers in Jabotabek: voice and short messages (SMS) communication in the Jabotabek area.The measurement of customer satisfaction was done using the SERVPERF method- After evaluating the network performance, the customers were also asked to state their satisfaction regarding the appropriateness of the telecommunication tariff compared to the received quality. Furthermore, to help Telkomsel develop an effective strategy for improving the satisfaction for overall network perfonnance, the customers were also asked about their wants or requirements. The identification of customers wants was done based on Kano's model.The result showed that the voice and SMS communication could be measured from five dimensions: the quality of indoor voice transmission, the quality of SMS transmission, the quality of outdoor voice transmission with other Telkomsel's customers and PSTN users, the quality of outdoor voice transmission with other operators customers, and the quality of network coverage. The dimensions with the lowest satisfaction score were the quality of indoor voice transmission and the quality of network coverage. The regression analysis also showed that these two dimensions were significantly affecting the satisfaction for overall network performance. This result was also supported with the Kano's model, where customers considered the improvement of indoor network performance a must-be requirement. |