Penelitian ini membahas tentang hubungan antara strategi manufaktur dan kapabilitas fungsional yang terjadi pada perusahaan komponen sepeda motor se-Jabodetabek. Untuk mengetahui hubungan tersebut penulis menyebarkan kuesioner kepada karyawan-karyawan 20 perusahaan komponen sepeda motor di Jabodetabek dan kemudian menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dalam menganalisis hubungan antara strategi manufaktur dan kapabilitas fungsional yang kemudian berguna untuk menentukan prioritas pengembangan kapabilitas tersebut dalam upaya pengembangan strategi manufaktur yang dijalankan. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa strategi flexibility dipengarui oleh kapabilitas Production/Operations dan Public and Governmental Relations. Strategi Delivery dan Quality dipengaruhi oleh Production/Operations, sedangkan strategi cost dipengaruhi oleh General Administration, Production/Operations, Engineering dan R&D. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between manufacturing strategy and functional capability in motorcycle parts manufacturers in Jabodetabek. In achieving the objective of research, observer deployed questionnaire to employees of motorcycle parts manufacturers in Jabodetabek and use the multiple linear regression analysis to analyze the the relationship between manufacturing strategy and functional capability which is useful to determine the priority of functional capability in manufacturing strategy development. Result of this research shows that flexibility strategy is influenced by functional capability of Production/Operations and Public&Governmental Relations, delivery strategy and quality strategy is influenced by functional capability of Production/Operations, and cost strategy is influenced by functional capability of General Administration, Production/Operations, and Engineering and R&D. |