Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara komitmen pada organisasi dan supervisi dari kepala ruangan dengan kepuasan kerja perawat di RSUD Dokter Soedarso Pontianak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskripsi korelasi dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel pada 203 perawat pelaksana. Uji Chi-Square didapatkan komitmen afektif (p=0.000), normatif (p=0,000) dan berkesinambungan (p=0,000) berhubungan signifikan dengan kepuasan kerja perawat. Sedangkan aspek supervisi yaitu hanya memotivasi yang berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kepuasan kerja (p= 0,018). Uji regresi logistik menunjukan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan kepuasan kerja perawat adalah komitmen berkesinambungan. Rumah sakit perlu melakukan upaya menumbuhkan loyalitas yang dimulai pada saat rekruitmen pegawai dan seleksi secara independen dengan meningkatkan kompetensi supervisor agar kegiatan supervisi berjalan dengan optimal. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between commitment on organizational and supervision from room head with working satisfaction of nurses in Docter Soedarso public district hospital in Pontianak. This study is descriptive correlational design with cross-sectional approach. Chi-Square test showed that affective (p=0.000), normative (p=0,000) and and continuance commitments (p=0,000) correlated significantly with working satisfaction. Within supervision aspect, only motivation that has correlation significantly with working satisfaction (p=0.018). On Logistic Regression test have showed factor that highly correlated with working satisfaction was continuance commitment. This study has recommendation that hospital needs to have effort to improve staff?s dedication and loyal values, especially in recruitment and selection of new staffs should be independent. Also, it is needed to improve supervisor competencies in order to optimize supervision to their staff. |