Polri mengharapkan masyarakat meningkatkan kerja sama dengan Polri agar dapat meningkatkan keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas Polri. Upaya yang dilakukan Polri yaitu menerapkan program Polmas dengan Babinkamtibmas sebagai ujung tombak. Kepuasan menyeluruh pelanggan/konsumen terhadap kualitas jasa oleh penyedia jasa mempengaruhi loyalitas, sikap, dan perilaku konsumen terhadap penyedia jasa. Untuk itu peneliti melakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kualitas layanan Babinkamtibmas terhadap kepuasan masyarakat. Penelitian dilakukan di Semarang karena kerja sama masyarakat dengan Babinkamtibmas belum maksimal dan berdasarkan tugas pokok serta komposisi personil Unit Binmas Polsek Pedurungan Semarang, kinerja jasa (service performance) Unit Binmas cenderung merupakan kinerja yang dicapai oleh para Babinkamtibmas. Sampel penelitian 142 responden ditentukan secara acak dari populasi yang terdiri atas 240 orang warga yang telah beberapa kali bekerja sama dengan Babinkamtibmas. Alat analisis yang digunakan yaitu regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa interaksi antara dimensi tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, dan empathy dapat lebih menjelaskan variasi kepuasan nasabah daripada masing-masing dimensi. Indonesian National Police (INP) hopes that the community keep increasing their cooperation with INP so that INP will be able to keep increasing the success of doing INP's duties. The effort that's been done is to implement community policing program with Babinkamtibmas as the community officer. Consumer's overall satisfaction toward service quality that provide by service provider influent consumer's loyality, attitude, and behavior toward service provider. Therefore researcher held research that aim to examine the influence of service performance of Babinkamtibmas toward overall community's satisfaction. The research taken place in Semarang due to the cooporation between community and Babinkamtibmas not optimized yet and based on the main job also the personnel composition of Community Development Unit (Binmas) tend to become performance that achieved by all Babinkamtibmas. 142 respondent sample determined randomly from population that consist on 240 members of community that often cooperate with Babinkamtibmas. Regression use as analisys tool. The result of the research indicates that the interaction among tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy dimension will explain more of the variance in customer's satisfaction than the direct influences of each dimension. |