ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas konsekuensi yuridis penanganan perkara terhadap anak nakalyang tidak didasarkan pada laporan pembimbing kemasyarakatan (studi kasus diPengadilan Negeri Bengkulu), kendala pelaksanaan Pembimbing Kemasyarakatandalam proses peradilan pidana anak, solusi yuridis penyelesaian peradilan anak yangtidak menggunakan Pembimbing Kemasyarakatan di Pengadilan Negeri Bengkulu.Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan sosio legalyang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa sering terjaditidak maksimalnya kerja pembimbing kemasyarakatan, Hakim sering tidakmempertimbangkan laporan hasil penelitian kemasyarakatan dalam memutuskanperkara, selain itu beberapa hakim melakukan persidangan tanpa didampingi olehPembimbing Kemasyarakatan, walaupun begitu hakim tetap memutuskan perkaraanak tersebut walaupun tanpa didasarkan penelitian kemasyarakatan. Hakim dalammemeriksa perkara anak wajib mempertimbangkan laporan penelitiankemasyarakatan dalam putusannya, yang apabila tidak berdasarkan laporanpenelitian kemasyarakatan akan mengakibatkan putusan batal demi hokum. Hal inidisebabkan karena adanya kendala-kendala di dalam pelaksanaan penelitiankemasyarakatan dan kendala pelaksanaan pembimbing kemasyarakatan dalam prosesperadilan pidana. Akan tetapi untuk suatu perkara anak yang tidak berdasarkanlaporan hasil penelitian kemasyarakatan dan sudah berupa putusan maka yang bisadilakukan adalah mengkaji kembali putusan tersebut, karena berdasarkan Undang-Undang maka putusan tersebut batal demi hukum sehingga perlu adanya penegasandalam Undang-Undang tentang penelitian kemasyarakatan dan PembimbingKemasyarakatan ini, contohnya mengenai kedudukan Pembimbing Kemasyarakatandi dalam sistem peradilan pidana anak, fungsi penelitian kemasyarakatan danPembimbing Kemasyarakatan, penegasan terhadap hak-hak anak sehingga hakmereka untuk dilakukan penelitian kemasyarakatan bisa terpenuhi. Penelitianmenyarankan peningkatan koordinasi antara penegak hukum dengan pembimbingkemasyarakaran sehingga lebih melindungi kepentingan anak nakal tersebut. Abstract This thesis discussed about the judicial consequences of the handling the case of thejuvenile delinquent that not based on the probation officer?s report (Studies case atdistrict court of Bengkulu), the problems of the implementation of the social casestudy in process of the juvenile justice process, the judicial solution of the juvenilejustice process that not used advisor of society in district court of Bengkulu. Thisresearch used normative method with social legal and case study approach as adescriptive analysis. As the conclusion of this research, the problems caused of theprobation officer is not maximum while doing the researched and also they have aproblem in doing the research, the judge often did not consider the social case studyin deciding the case. Besides that, some judge doing the court without the probationofficer. Even though, the judge is still decide the case without based on social casestudy. Judges in examining cases have to consider the social case study report intheir decision, which if the decision is not based on social case study report so thedecision is null and void. It all caused of the problem in implementation the researchcommunity and in the process of the criminal justice. However, for a case that?s notbased on social case study and decision was done, we can do review the decision,because based on the legislation, the decision is must null and void. So, we need theaffirmation in the legislation about the social case study and probation officer. Forexamples, the affirmation of this position of probation officer in the juvenile justiceprocess, the affirmation of function from social case study and probation officer, theaffirmation of the rights of children, so their right to have a social case study can befulfilled. This research suggests to increased coordination between law enforcementwith probation officer to protect the importance of the Juvenile Delinquent. |