Son preference's impact on Indian fertility is examined within 14major stares, utilizing the NFHS surveys of 1992-93 and l998-99 but withemphasis on the NFHS-2 survey. The l4 states are grouped into two on thebasis of the strength of son preference. The analysis indicates that the birthhazards for the gentler composition of surviving children are highest atparity 3 for the majority of the M states. 'The intensification eject, orincreasing impact of son preference at lower parities, is manifested instrong son preference stores experiencing large fertility declines such asPunjab and Haryana. Son preference continues to affect fertility at lowerpriorities and it is possible that a floor well above replacement level isforming. especially in the populous northern/central stores. However, withthe increasing incidence of sex-selective abortions it is possible that lowerfertility with dramatically skewed sex ratios at birth will result |