The traffic accident rate in Indonesia is still considerably high,as reported by the national police with around 60 accident casualties dailyof these casualties, 24 of them are dead. This figure is relatively high at theASEAN level where there are about 112 people died everyday because oftraffic accidents. The objective of the study is to provide an initialestimation of the traffic accident loss and to use that estimation to assessthe economic impacts of that event. Since the data used in the estimationare nationwide, then the final output of the study will be in the form of theaccident loss in term of GDP proportion. Using the some calculationmethod, _,forecast of the total national accident cost for the next five yearswas made. The method to calculate the road accident cost covers fourcomponents: property damage, administrative cost, medical cost, and lostoutput. There are two important data needed in this method: aggregateaccident data, and unit cost data for each component. Using these twotypes of data, the aggregate cost can be estimated, and at the same time, thetotal of certain types of cost. Using the 2002 Indonesia nominal GDP of1.42 trillion rupiahs, the total accident costs in Indonesia was estimatedaround 0.47% of GDP for Police Department reported data and l .46% forthe Health Department data. These figure is relatively high compared with,for example, Singapore that has figure of 0,46% of its GDP.. For the nextfive years, the total amount accident cost which is saved by the action planapproximately about Rp 10 trillion. This estimation still has under reportingproblems for number of casualities and property damage, and under valuedproblem for the estimation of accidents unit cost. |