Two of the channels examined here are direct investmentlinkage and labor migration linkage. The former it treatedexogenously, while the latter is induced by the investment and is thefocus of this paper. Induced migration not only improves absolutelivelihood but also enhances relative livelihood in the A-.rector aswage rigidity exists in the M-sector. Prospective improvement inlabor productivity of the M-sector becomes immaterialized asminimum wage engraves and embarks the rigidity. In other words,we can say eloquently that minimum wage in the M-sector improvesrelative distribution. The higher the mobility, the more likely thatentire potential increase in agricultural labor productivity will bematerialized. It is rims to the benefit of the whole nation if both thestructure and the infrastructure of the national economy can bedeveloped in such a way that make labor force are highly mobile inthe national labor market. Development creates new things as wellas changes the structure of the economy, while movement makespossible for all I/re potential net benefits to be materialized barb forthose who migrate and those who remain. |