Although some children work independently, the crux of the issueinvolves various aspects of life surrounding them, in particular thoserelated to the households where they belong, predominantly the role oftheir parents in their involvement and the predominantly where the householdsconform. It is closely associated with the extended family system.Consequently it is essential to approach any chile' labor policy beyondthose issues directly related to what problems the children themselves areconfronting in labor market. A huge requirement of resources togetherwith a multi-dimensional nature of the problem transparently make anyeffort of mainstreaming the issue of child labor into other developmentprograms is perhaps the most efficient and effective way to tackle theproblem. They ore, among others. programs on paver-ry alleviation,education and training. as well as health for all. with priority focusing onthe six worst forms of child labor, involving community leaders, andeducating parents on how valuable their children 's lives. Finally, helpingthe informal network and the areas of origin often implies helping andpreventing the child labor. |