ABSTRAK Ibu yang mengalami abortus seringkali terganggu aspek fisik, psikologis dansosial. Keadaan ini membuat ibu memerlukan dukungan dari suaminya. Tujuanpenelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman ibu tentang dukungan suamiselama mengalami abortus. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif denganpendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif. Dilakukan wawancara mendalam terhadaplima partisipan yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Data dianalisis denganThematic Content Analysis dengan tahapan Colaizzi dan diperoleh 11 tema. Hasilpenelitian ini menggambarkan pemahaman ibu tentang abortus, keadaan, bentukbentukdukungan suami berkaitan dengan tipe dan sifat suami, dampak danharapan ibu. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar pelayanan kesehatanmerancang suatu metode konseling sebagai bentuk perawatan suportif dengantetap melibatkan dan memperhatikan respon suami ABSTRACT A mother who experiences an abortion often has a physical, psychological, andsocial interruption. This condition causes the mother to require her husband?ssupports. The purpose of this study was to explore the mother?s experience relatedto her husband?s supports during her abortion. This study applied a qualitativedesign with a descriptive phenomenological approach. In-depth interviews wereconducted to five participants who were selected using purposive samplingmethod. The data were analyzed using a thematic content analysis with Colaizzistages. It was obtained 11 themes. The result showed the mother?s understandingof an abortion, the types of the husband?s supports related to the husband?s typeand characteristics, the impacts, and the mother?s hopes. It is recommended thatthe health services would design a counseling method as a form of a supportivetreatment which involves and considers the husband?s responses |