ABSTRAK Penelitian ini tentang analisis kandungan zat gizi dan uji hedonik cookieskaya gizi pada siswi SMPN 27 Pekanbaru. Tujuan umum dari penelitian adalah untukmengetahui gambaran kandungan zat gizi cookies kaya gizi dan tingkat kesukaaanremaja terhadap cookies kaya gizi. Pengumpulan data tentang kandungan zat gizicookies menggunakan data hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium Fakultas TeknologiPertanian IPB dan laboratorium gizi FKM UI Depok. Data uji hedonik cookiesdiperoleh dari hasil penilaian panelis (siswi kelas VIII) dalam panel konsumen ujihedonik yang meliputi penilaian warna, rasa, aroma dan tekstur terhadap tiga jeniscookies yaitu cookies plain, cookies kaya gizi tuna dan cookies kaya gizi non tuna.Analisa data untuk kandungan zat gizi cookies menggunakan analisa deskriptif, danuntuk uji hedonik menggunakan uji anova dan bonferroni test. Kandungan energicookies kaya gizi berkisar antara 497.79-501.61 kkal/100g. Takaran saji cookies kayagizi sebagai makanan selingan/camilan bagi remaja anemia agar memenuhi 10%kebutuhan energi remaja (235 kkal) adalah 4 - 5 keping per saji. Kandungan zat gizilain dari cookies kaya gizi yang telah diketahui adalah lemak (24.47-25.41g/100g),protein (7.50-7.70g/100g), karbohidrat (60.53-61.89g/100g), kadar air (4.96-5.34g/100g), kadar abu (0.80-1.40g/100g), serat kasar (0.88-0.99g /100g), zat besi(4.07-8.67mg/100g), dan kandungan vitamin C (0.25-0.68mg/100g). Hasil penilaianhedonik dalam panel konsumen didapatkan bahwa rasa cookies kaya gizi tuna kurangdisukai. Dan hasil penilaian aroma didapatkan bahwa aroma cookies kaya gizi tuna dancookies kaya gizi non tuna kurang disukai. Namun secara keseluruhan baik dari segiwarna, rasa, aroma, dan tekstur cookies secara statistik tidak ada perbedaan yangsignifikan (p-value:0.330) kesukaan konsumen terhadap warna, rasa, aroma dan teksturdari cookies kaya gizi. ABSTRACT This study analyzes the content of nutrients and hedonic test of nutrient-richcookies to the students of 27 Junior High School, Pekanbaru. The general purpose ofthis study is to describe the content of nutrients of nutrient-rich cookies and the level ofpreference of teenagers to the nutrient-rich cookies. The data collection over thenutrient content of cookies uses the data from the result of laboratory examination ofAgricultural Technology Faculty Bogor Agricultural Institute and nutrition laboratoryof Public Health Faculty University of Indonesia, Depok. The hedonic test data areobtained from the result of panelists? assessment (eight-grade students) in theconsumer panel of hedonic test over the assessment of color, flavor, aroma, and textureto three kinds of cookies namely plain cookies, tuna nutrient-rich cookies, and nontunanutrient-rich cookies. The data analysis for nutrient content of cookies usesdescriptive analysis, and for the hedonic test uses anova test and bonferroni test. Theenergy content of nutritious cookies is around 497.79 ? 501.61 kkal/100 g. The servingportion of nutrient-rich cookies as snack for teenagers suffering from anemia shouldfulfill 10% of teenagers? needs of energy (235 kkal) is 4 ? 5 chips per serving. Theother nutrients contained in the nutritious cookies are fat (24.47-25.41g/100g), protein(7.50-7.70g/100g), carbohydrate (60.53-61.89g/100g), water content (4.96-5.34g/100g), ash content (0.80-1.40g/100g), crude fiber (0.88-0.99g /100g), iron (4.07-8.67mg/100g), and vitamin C (0.25-0.68mg/100g). The result of hedonic test inconsumer panel states that the flavor of tuna nutrient-rich cookies is less favored. Andthe result of aroma states that the aroma of tuna nutrient-rich cookies and non-tunanutrient-rich cookies are less favored. However, the color, flavor, aroma, and texture ofcookies statistically show no significant differences (p-value: 0.330) of the consumers?preference to the color, flavor, aroma, and texture of nutrient-rich cookies. |