ABSTRAK Ibu postpartum primipara seringkali belum siap menjalankan peran orangtua dalammerawat bayi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuktikan efektifitas intervensiedukasi perinatal terhadap pencapaian peran menjadi orangtua. Penelitian inimenggunakan desain quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan pre-post test with controlgoup. Sebanyak 55 responden pasangan suami istri berpartisipasi dalam penelitianini. Hasil uji statistik membuktikan bahwa intervensi efektif untuk meningkatkankepercayaan ibu dalam merawat bayi (p value=0,044), ikatan talikasih ibu dan bayi(p-value=0,0001), dan dukungan suami (p value=0,031). Intervensi tidak efektifmeningkatkan persepsi ibu terhadap dukungan suami (p value=0,938). Rekomendasipenelitian ini, institusi pemberi pelayanan keperawatan maternitas mengembangkanmetode edukasi untuk meningkatkan pencapaian peran orangtua. ABSTRACT Postpartum primiparous mothers and her husband often do not perform theirparental role in taking care of her baby. This study aimed to prove the effectivenessof the intervention of perinatal education in achieving their parental role. This studyused quasi experimental design with the approach of pre-post test non equivalentcontrol groups. About 55 married couples were participated as the respondents of thisstudy. The statistical test result proved that the intervention was effective inimproving mother?s confidence in taking care of her baby (p value=0,044), motherand baby attachment (p-value=0,0001), and the husband?s support (p value=0,031).This intervention was not effective in improving mother?s perception of husband?ssupport (p value=0,938). This study recommended the maternity nursing institutionsto develop an education method to improve the parental role achievement. |