ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas fungsi pengawasan Komisi Yudisial terhadap hakim diIndonesia, dari sudut pandang politik hukum. Metode penelitian yang digunakanadalah metode penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan perbandingan hukum,pendekatan sejarah dan pendekatan hermeunetik. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwa gagasan fungsi pengawasan Komisi Yudisial terhadap hakimdalam proses perubahan UUD 1945 dimaksudkan sebagai bentuk pengawasaneksternal atas perilaku hakim dan hakim agung dalam penyelenggaraan peradilan.Sedangkan di berbagai negara, baik negara common law dan civil law, dalamkonstitusinya memberikan fungsi kepada lembaga khusus untuk melakukanpengawasan terhadap hakim, atas dasar perilaku dan ketidakmampuan dalammenjalankan tugas. Di masa yang akan datang, perlu dilakukan pengaturan yanglebih mendetail terkait dengan konsep pengawasan Komisi Yudisial terhadaphakim di Indoensia. Selain itu, jika merujuk pada pengaturan fungsi pengawasanKomisi Yudisial pada berbagai negara, baik civil law maupun common law, padanantinya Komisi Yudisial diharapkan dapat melakukan fungsi pengawasanterhadap keseluruhan hakim, baik hakim dan hakim ad hoc di Mahkamah Agungdan badan peradilan, serta Hakim Konstitusi. ABSTRACT The focus study of this thesis is the oversight function on the judicial commissionagainst judges in Republic of Indonesia from a political point of view of law. Thisresearch is a normative research that use comparative, hictorical, and hermeuneticapproach. These results indicate that the idea of oversight functions of the JudicialCommission of the judges in the process of changing the Constitution of 1945intended as a form of external control over the behavior of judges and justices inthe administration of justice. While in many countries, both state common law andcivil law, the constitution provides functions to specialized agencies to carry outsupervision of the judge, on the basis of the behavior and inability to performtasks. In the future, need to be carried out more detailed arrangements relating tothe concept of supervision of the Judicial Commission of the judges in Indonesia.In addition, when referring to the various countries, both civil law and commonlaw, the Judicial Commission will be expected to perform the function of theoverall supervision of judges, both judges and ad hoc judges in the Supreme Courtand judicial bodies, as well as the Constitutional Court |