ABSTRAK Manajemen servis merupakan suatu proses transferring kegiatan operasional harian yangberkaitan dengan kegiatan operasional dalam mengatur kegiatan operasional perusahaan agarbisa mengefektifkan dan mengefisienkan kegiatan operasional perusahaan tersebut sehingga,dapat membantu suatu perusahaan untuk dapat berkonsentrasi kepada bisnis utamanya.Pada aplikasinya manajemen servis dapat menjadi solusi bagi provider telekomunikasi, dandapat menjadi peluang bagi provider network agar dapat tetap bernisnis di duniapertelekomunikasian Indonesia. Selain itu manajemen servis akan menjadi suatu ancaman bagiprovider telekomunikasi apabila tidak ada kontrol dari perkembangan dan persaingan padaprovider network keamanan data, dan sebagainya.Saat ini kerjasama antara kedua belah pihak ini diikat dan diatur oleh kerjasama dankesepakatan antara kedua belah pihak saja. Campur tangan pemerintahan untuk mengatursistem ini, dengan membuat regulasi sangat diperlukan,dan saran regulasi yang bagaima agardapat bermanfaat dari manajemen servis ini, dan akan berdampak pada pertelekomunikasianIndonesia dan masyarakat. ABSTRACT Management of Services have a pivotal role to play in support of the core businessand must be closely coupled with the organisation's overall strategy. Management service issimply a process of transferring the daily operations related to the company services andmaintenance to set up operations in order to make the overall process effective and efficient.That will allow time to focus in core areas that matter most for the development and growthof business.Application of Management of Services can be a solution forTelecommunications providers, and can be an opportunity for Network providers in order toremain in the Indonesian Telecommunication business. However, at the same time it has to bewell controlled in terms of market competitiveness, development pace and security systemsetc, in order to protect and minimize any threat to Telecommunications providers.The current rules between the two sides are bound and regulated only by theagreement between both parties only (Telecommunication provider and Networkprovider).Government intervention to regulate this system is needed, by making theappropriate and adequate Regulations for this service, considering the benefits ofmanagement service that will have an impact on Pertelekomunikasian Indonesia in particularand the community in general. |