ABSTRAK Dalam konsep anti-pencucian uang, penghentian sementara transaksi olehPPATK merupakan hal penting dalam upaya penyitaan dan perampasan aset hasiltindak pidana untuk diserahkan kepada negara atau dikembalikan kepada yangberhak. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, penelitian inibertujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan, yakni bagaimanakah pelaksanaanpenghentian sementara transaksi oleh PPATK berdasarkan UU No. 8 Tahun 2010tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang? Apakahkewenangan penghentian sementara transaksi oleh PPATK dapat melindungikepentingan nasabah PJK? Dan apakah kewenangan penghentian sementara olehPPATK sejalan dengan prinsip due of process of law. PPATK melakukanpenghentian sementara atas seluruh atau sebagian transaksi apabila terdapatinformasi yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan/atau melalui suatu prosesanalisis/ pemeriksaan diketahui atau diduga terkait dengan tindak pidana. Dalamhal terdapat keberatan oleh pengguna jasa, maka terdapat hak pengguna jasadalam pengajuan keberatan, hak tindak-lanjut penanganan keberatan, hakpencabutan atas penghentian sementara transaksi, serta hak tindak-lanjutpenundaan transaksi. Proses penghentian sementara transaksi dilakukanberdasarkan standar prosedur operasi yang komprehensif dan detail dan sesuaihukum acara yang berlaku. Secara umum penghentian sementara transaksi telahmencapai tujuannya untuk mencegah berpindahnya harta kekayaan yang tidaksah, dalam pelaksanaannya menghadapi beberapa kendala yang dapat diselesaikandengan kerjasama dan koordinasi antara PPATK, Penyedia Jasa Keuangan,Penegak Hukum, serta Lembaga Pengawas dan Pengatur dengan tetapmemperhatikan kepentingan nasabah atau pengguna jasa. Abstract The concept of anti-money laundering, suspension of transactions byINTRAC is essential in order to conduct assets seizure and forfeiture of criminalproceeds to be submitted to the state or to be returned to their owners. By using anormative juridical research methods, this study aims to answer the problems,namely how is the implementation of the temporary suspension of transaction byINTRAC based on Law no. 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradicationof Money Laundering? Whether the temporary suspension of transactionsauthorized by the PPATK can protect the interests of customers of FinancialService Provider? And whether the authority to conduct temporary suspension byINTRAC is in line with the principles of due process of law. PPATK canperform temporary suspension against the entire or partial transaction if there isinformation that can be accounted for and / or through a process of analysis /examination to be known or suspected to be associated with crime. In the eventof any objection by the customer, the customer has the right to file an objection,the right of follow-up for their objection, the right of revocation of the suspensionof transaction, and the right of follow-up for the postponement the transaction.The process of suspension of transactions carried out according to acomprehensive and detailed standard operating procedures and based onappropriate procedural law. In general, suspension of the transaction has reachedits goal to prevent the transfer of property that is not valid, its implementationdeals with several obstacles that can be solved by cooperation and coordinationbetween the PPATK, Financial Services Providers, Law Enforcement, andRegulatory and Supervisory Board with due regard to the interests of customers orservice users. |