Bandara Soekarno-Hatta adalah Bandara Internasional yang terletak kota di Tangerang dengan pergerakan penumpang sebanyak 52.446.618 penumpang pada tahun 2011 atau naik 15,43% dari tahun 2010. Namun Bandara Soekarno-Hatta tersebut belum memiliki akses yang memadai sehingga mengakibatkan sering terjadinya kemacetan pada akses menuju bandara pada jam-jam sibuk. Untuk mengurangi terhambatnya perjalanan menuju bandara maka akan dibangun kereta api. Dalam penetapkan tarif kereta api perlu mengetahui kemampuan membayar (Ability to Pay) dan kemauan membayar (Willingness to Pay) pengguna jasa kereta api. Metode pengumpulan data dengan melakukan survey terhadap penumpang dibandara. Pengukuran Ability To Pay (ATP) menggunakan metode household budget dan Willingness to Pay (WTP) menggunakan metode state preference. Hasil penelitian yaitu estimasi nilai rata-rata ATP sebesar Rp.128.986,- dan nilai rata-rata WTP sebesar Rp.23.195,- dengan 80% responden bersedia membayar lebih untuk peningkatan keselamatan. Soekarno-Hatta Airport is an International Airport located in Tangerang. The movement of passengers in this airport is around 52,446,618 passengers in 2011, or increased 15.43% from 2010. Unfortunately, Soekarno-Hatta airport does not have adequate access in which it can cause traffic jams on the access to airport especially at rush hours. For that reason, railway access to the airport will be built in order to solve the airport access problem. Relating to the train fare, it is necessary to know the ability to pay and willingness to pay of the train passengers. Survey to the airport passengers is conducted as the research method for this study. The writer employs household budget method to measure Ability To Pay (ATP) and state preference method to measure Willingness to Pay (WTP). The study finds that estimate of average value for ATP is IDR 128.986,- and estimate of average value for WTP is IDR 23.195,- in which 80% of respondents are willing to pay more for safety improvement. |