Isolated atoms in group II-B such as zinc (Zn),cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg) are chemicallystable. These atoms are important in the formation of excimer. Zinc in particular has beeninvestigated by many researchers, as Zn2excimer holds promise because of its long lifetime andits potential as an energy-storage system. However, excimer?s benefits are based on excitationof the outermost electron. Our study confirmed the quantumdynamical condensation processesin which inner-core excitation arises due to ion-recombination between the vapor phase and thesolid phase. The X-ray diffraction of the condensedstructure of zinc film had included strongdiffuse scattering depending on theincident energies. In this research, we produced the excitedstate of zinc excimer characterized by an extremely long lifetime.Intriguingly, a feature of thezinc film is that it transformsfrom metallic to insulative. It is thought thatsuch a structure withthis characteristic has been affected by electron spin and atomic distortion by inner-coreexcitation. The structure obtained in our experiment is expected to prove promising inengineering applications, such as electronics, spintronics, and batteries. |