Juru masak dan asisten juru masak merupakan pekerjaan yang berisiko tinggi mengalami kecelakaan saat bekerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan melihat bagaimana gambaran faktor-faktor keselamatan para juru masak dan asisten juru masak pada proses pengelolaan makanan jasaboga penerbangan Aerofood Angkasa Citra Sarana Jakarta pada tahun 2012. Setelah mendapatkan data hasil pengamatan faktor-faktor tersebut selanjutnya dibandingkan dengan Kepmenaker no. 217 tahun 2009, Kepmenkes No. 715 tahun 2003, Permenkes RI no. 1096 thn 2011 pasal 5, UU No.13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan, dan OSHA 2010 (Youth Worker Safety in Restaurant). Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa beberapa poin faktor keselamatan juru masak dan asisten juru masak Aerofood ACS sudah terpenuhi, seperti kondisi ventilasi, pencahayaan, pengetahuan juru masak dan asisten juru masak, kondisi peralatan dan mesin, serta prosedur P3K. Kondisi kebersihan lingkungan seperti lantai, dinding, dan langit-langit masih belum memenuhi standar. Prosedur pencatatan dan pelaporan kecelakaan juga masih belum terlaksana dengan baik. Juru masak dan asisten juru masak belum memiliki sertifikat KKNI II dan III. Belum seluruh juru masak dan asisten juru masak mengikuti pelatihan K3. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor-faktor keselamatan juru masak dan asisten juru masak masih harus dibenahi, seperti pelatihan K3, sertifikasi, kondisi lingkungan, dan prosedur pelaporan dan pencatatan kecelakaan. Cook and assistant cook are at high risk of work accidents. This research was conducted with the aim of seeing how the safety factors of the cooks and assistant cooks in the Aerofood Angkasa Citra Sarana Flight Catering Jakarta food management in 2012. After getting the data observed factors are then compared with the Kepmenaker no. 217 yr 2009, Kepmenkes No. 715 yr 2003, Permenkes RI no. 1096 yr 2011 pasal 5, UU No.13 tahun 2003, and OSHA 2010 (Youth Worker Safety in Restaurant). The survey results revealed that some points of safety factors of cooks and assistant cooks Aerofood ACS are met, such as the conditions of ventilation, lighting, cooks and assistant cooks’s knowledge, condition of equipment and machinery, as well as first aid procedures. Environmental hygiene conditions such as floors, walls, and ceilings still not meet the standards. Procedures for recording and reporting the accident is still not performing well. Cook and assistant cook KKNI not have a certificate II and III. Not all cooks and assistant cooks got basic safety training. From the results of this study concluded that the safety factors cooks and assistant cooks still need to be addressed, such as safety training, certification, environmental conditions, and procedures for reporting and recording accidents. |