Kegiatan penyebaran informasi kesehatan reproduksi remaja diperlukan sebagai salah satu upaya dalam edukasikesehatan reproduksi bagi remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kemampuan konselor SMP/SMA dalammemberikan penyuluhan mengenai kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan cross sectionaldengan rancangan penelitian pre test-intervensi (penyuluhan/edukasi)-post test. Populasi penelitian ini adalah 30 orangguru SMP dan SMA di kota Semarang, yang bekerja sebagai konselor dalam kegiatan bimbingan dan konseling disekolah. Responden adalah 15 guru BP dari 8 SMP dan 15 guru BP dari 8 SMA di Kota Semarang. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan responden setelah diadakan penyuluhan termasuk kategori baik pada konselor SMP(80%) dan termasuk kategori baik pada konselor SMA (100%). Sikap responden mendukung penyuluhan pada konselorSMP (93,3%) dan konselor SMA (100%). Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap (p = 0,003) yang signifikan(p = 0,001) sesudah penyuluhan pada konselor SMP. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap (p = 0,0095) yangsignifikan (p = 0,0095) sesudah penyuluhan pada konselor SMA.To provide of in dissemination of information on reproduction health (RH) is important for adolescents.This research aimed to assess both knowledge and attitude towards RH among counselors of junior as well as seniorhigh schools in Semarang. Using a cross sectional survey, data was gathered using pre-test before and post test afterintervention that measure knowledge and attitude. Thirty respondents were participated in the study. They consisted of15 counselor teachers from 8 junior high schools and 8 senior high schools in Semarang City. The results showed thatthere were significant increase in knowledge score on RH before and after intervention in both groups. There was alsosignificant improvement in each group in their supportive attitude toward RH education. The result shows thatrespondents? knowledge after the research is good junior high group, (80%) and high school group (100%).Respondents support RH education both from junior high group (93.3%) and high school group (100%). There was asignificant knowledge increase (p = 0.001), and significant attitude change (p = 0.003) after RH education for juniorhigh counselor. In senior high group, there was a significant knowledge increase (p = 0.0095) and significant attitudechange (p= 0, 0095) after RH education for high school counselors. It is recommended that similar RH education isconducted among both junior and high school counselor |