Evaluasi program komunikasi pemasaran dalam repositioning produk RRI darl radio pemerintah {state apparatus body) menjadi radio publik (public service broadcasting} berarti menata ulang nilai-ni1ai dasar (core values), filosofi, budaya, reputasi, strategi dan personal di dalam organisasinya yang tenru berimplikasi pada produk (jasa siaran) dan brand image. Adapun tujuan penelilian untuk mengetahui hasii yang telah dicapai selama berlangsungnya proses pe!aksanaan program komunikasi pemasaran daiam rangka repositioning produk RRI sebagai lembaga penyiaran publik dan mengetahui persepsi khalayak pendengar terhadap produk RRI sebagai hasil program reposirfotting. Di dalam unit analisis RRl Jakarta peneliti menggunakan konsep repositioning Belch dan Belch (2004) dan konsep iklim komunikasi organisasi RRI umuk melakukan pemantauan, evaluasi, dan pengendalian program komunikasi pemasangan yaitu efektivitas program dibandingkan target yang dltctapkan, mengukur output (message transmission), outgrowth (message reception), dan outcome (message effect). Marketing communication program evaluation in RRIs product repositioning from state radio (state apparatus body) into a public media (public service broadcasting) meant retransmitting its core values, philosophy, culture reputation and personnel inside its organization which indirectly implicated its products and brand image. The objective of this study to know the effect of the repositioning process and to gauge the perceptions of RR1 listeners after the repositioning process. To analyze these effects, the writer uses the Belch and Belch repositioning concepts (2004) and the RRI organization's communication climate concept in monitoring, evaluating, and controlling the communication program, which is the affectivity of the program compared to the purposed targets such as output (message transmission). outgrowth (message reception), and outcome (message effect). This study is using the qualitative approach with a positivist paradigm by analyzing data from interviews, focus group discussions, participative observation and documents. The result shows that RRI has done the integration process to create a harmonized implementation of communicating the marketing strategy for all RRl branches. |