Cryptococcosis is an infection caused by encapsulated yeast Crypococcus neofonnans, Before AIDS pandemic it was rarely reported, but nowadays its prevalence increasing sharply. The most common clinical manifestation in AIDS is meningitis. Mycology investigation for the diagnosis of cryptococcosis is obscure by the limitation of sensitivity and time consuming. It is necessary to use another method as the alternative. GXM antigen is distributed in body fluids such as spinal fluid, serum and urine. The detection of GXM in those body fluids can be used to support the diagnosis of Cryptococcus. The dilution that can be used for the diagnosis of cryptococcosis meningitis in Jakarta is not yet known. The method used fur GXM detection is latex agglutination test. For the purpose of this study neat, 100, 300 and 500 dilution of spinal fluid were tested. The gold standard of this study is mycology test i.e. india ink examination and culture.The result of Prevalens Ratio (PR) showed male are more prone to infection (RP; 1,1), while the range of the age is 25 30 value. Sensitivity) specificity, negative predictive value and positive predictive value it can be concluded that 300 dilution of spinal fluid is cut off value fur the diagnosis of cryptoocccal meningitis in AIDS. Kriptokokosis adalah infeksi yang disebabkan oleh jamur Cryptococcus sp. terutama Crypococcus neoformans. Sebelum pandemi AIDS kriptokokosis hanya berupa kasus sporadis, namun meningkat tajam setelah era AIDS, dengan manifestasi klinis terbanyak meningitis. Pemeriksaan mikofogi untuk diagnosis krlptokokosis memiliki keterbatasan sensitivitas dan waktu, sehingga dipertukan metHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laki-laki lebih banyak daripada perernpuan dan dari perhitungan Rasio Prevalens, diketahui laki-lal.i lebib berisiko mendapat kriptokokosis (RP: 1,1). Usia terbanyak terdapat pada rentang 25-30 tahun. Berdasarkan perhitungan Me Nemar, nilai kappa, sensitivitas, spesifisitas. Nilai Prediksi Positif dan Nilai Prediksi negatif disimpulkan bahwa pengenceran 300x merupakan nilai batas uji deteksi GXM untuk menegakkan diagnosis kriptokokosis. |