Pendidikan adalah salah satu pilar kehidupan bangsa, sehingga harus dilakukan dengan tepat agar melahirkan sumber daya manusia yang unggul. Salah satu konsep pendidikan yang sedang dikembangkan sekarang ini di Indonesia adalah konsep sekolah alam, dan salah satu sekolah yang telah menerapkannya adalah School of Universe Bogor. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui efektivitas kegiatan pembelajaran di School of Universe dengan mengukur tingkat kepuasan siswa dan orang tua terhadap program pembelajaran berdasarkan evaluasi reaksi Kirpatrick. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriktif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuisioner oleh responden yang terdiri dari 13 siswa kelas 6 Sekolah Dasar dan 11 orang tua siswa. Kuisioner terdiri atas 22 butir pernyataan untuk mengetahui sikap responden terhadap variabel penilaian yaitu fasilitas pembelajaran, jadwal kegiatan, guru, teknik menyampaikan materi, feedback peserta terhadap pembelajaran dan kurikulum. Pembentukan pernyataan menggunakan ketentuan Skala Likert. Dari analisis jawaban responden dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) siswa sangat puas pada fasilitas pembelajaran dan feedback, cukup puas pada kinerja guru, teknik penyampaian materi, dan kurikulum, serta tidak puas pada jadwal kegiatan. (2) Orang tua sangat puas pada kinerja guru, teknik penyampaian materi, feedback dan kurikulkum, serta cukup puas pada fasilitas dan jadwal kegiatan. (3) Ada pun penilaian terhadap keseluruhan variabel, siswa menunjukkan sikap cukup puas dan orang tua menunjukkan sikap sangat puas. Education is one of pillars of the nation's life, so it must be done properly hat it may produce excellent human resources. One of the educational concepts that is being developed today in Indonesia is the concept of nature school, and one of school sthat has been applied it is the School of the Universe Bogor. This research focused to know the effectiveness of learning activities at the School of the Universe by measuring the satisfaction level of students and parents toward learning program based on Kirpatrick's reaction evaluation.. This research is descriptive study with quantitative approach. Data were collected by filling in questionnaires by the respondents consisting 13 six-grader elementary school students . and 11 students' parents. Questionnaire consists of 22 items of statements to know the respondents' attitude towards the assessment variables they are learning facilities, activity schedule, teachers, material delivery technique, participant feedback on learning and curriculum. Establishment of statements using provisions of Likert Scale. From analysis of respondents' answers can be concluded that (1) students are very satisfied with the learning facilities and feedback, quite satisfied with the performance of teachers, materials delivery techniques, and curriculum, and are not satisfied in the activity schedule. (2) Parents are very satisfied with the performance of teachers, material delivery technique, feedback and curriculum, and quite satisfied with the facilities and activity schedule. (3) As of overall assessment of variables, students show quite satisfied attitude and parents show very satisfied attitude. |