ABSTRAK Basis gigi tiruan selalu berkontak dengan mikroorganisme rongga mulut dan salivasehingga menjadi tempat tumbuhnya plak dan perkembangan mikroorganisme,khususnya C.albicans. Diperlukan pembersihan yang dapat secara efektif menghambatpertumbuhan C. albicans. Larutan pembersih gigi tiruan yang sering digunakan adalahalkalin peroksida dan sodium hipoklorid. Masih terdapat kontradiksi mengenaikeefektifan alkalin peroksida dalam menghambat pertumbuhan C.albicans pada nilontermoplastik. Sodium hipoklorid dengan konsentrasi yang tinggi dan waktu perendamanyang lama akan menyebabkan kerusakan pada basis gigi tiruan. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah menganalisis efektifitas sodium hipoklorid dengan konsentrasi yang rendah,yaitu 0,125% dan pengaruh lama perendaman terhadap pertumbuhan C. albicans, jugasodium hipoklorid 0,5% dan alkalin peroksida sebagai pembanding. Penelitianeksperimental laboratorik menggunakan 24 spesimen, sebelumnya dilakukan ujikekasaran permukaan pada sisi permukaan halus dan kasar pada masing-masingspesimen. Kemudian dikontaminasi dengan C.albicans, direndam dalam 3 macamlarutan pembersih selama 5 menit dan 10 menit. Dibiakkan pada media Agar SabouraudDextrose, diinkubasi selama 48 jam, koloni yang tumbuh dihitung dan dianalisis. Darihasil analisis data didapatkan bahwa nilai rerata larutan sodium hipoklorid 0,125% samadengan sodium hipoklorid 0,5% pada perendaman selama 5 menit (p=1,000) dan 10menit (p=1,000). Nilai rerata sodium hipoklorid 0,125% lebih kecil dari pada nilai rerataalkalin peroksida pada perendaman 5 menit (p=0,014) dan 10 menit (p=0,014). Daripenelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa larutan sodium hipoklorid 0,125% sangat efektifdalam menghambat pertumbuhan C.albicans pada nilon termoplastik dengan lamaperendaman 5 menit. ABSTRACT Due to constant contact between denture surface and oral environment, denture surfacesusually act as a reservoir for microorganism, especially C. albicans. Proper cleaningtechnique is needed to inhibit the growth of C. albicans. Soaking denture in a chemicalsolution is known as the simplest and the most effective way to maintain a cleandenture. The widely used substances to soak the dentures are alkaline peroxide andsodium hypochlorite. There have been numerous researches done on the effectivenessof soaking solution against C. albicans, but there is some contradiction on theeffectiveness of alkaline peroxide as a denture cleanser especially for thermoplasticnylon material. Soaking denture in high concentration of sodium hypochlorite during along period of time can deteriorate the texture and color of denture surface. Thepurpose of this study is to analyzed the effectiveness of low concentration sodiumhypochlorite 0.125% in inhibiting the growth of C.albicans on thermoplastic nylon withvariables in soaking duration and different soaking solution such as 0.5% sodiumhypochlorite and alkaline peroxide. This is an experimental laboratory study. The studyis conducted using 24 thermoplastic nylon plate specimens with surface roughness testconducted before the immersion procedure. The specimens were exposed to C. albicansand soaked in 3 different cleaning solutions (0.125% sodium hypochlorite, 0.5% sodiumhypochlorite, and alkaline peroxide) for 5 minutes and 10 minutes. Afterwards, thespecimens were cultured in SDA medium and kept inside incubator for 48 hours, andthe colonies of C. albicans formed in the SDA medium were counted. Statisticalanalysis showed there was no significancy mean differences between 0.125% sodiumhypochlorite with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 5 and 10 minutes soaking duration(p=1.000). But there was a mean difference between 0.125% sodium hypochlorite andalkaline peroxide, with smaller mean value in 0.125% sodium hypochlorite in both 5and 10 minutes soaking duration (p=0.014). The result showed that 0.125% sodiumhypochlorite was the most effective solution in inhibiting the growth of C. albicans onnylon thermoplastic in 5 minutes soaking duration. |