ABSTRAK Penelitian di areal konservasi di PT National Sago Prima bertujuan untukmendapatkan informasi terbaru komposisi floristik, struktur, dan kandungankarbon di hutan rawa gambut, sebagai dasar dalam pengelolaan kawasankonservasi kedepannya. Penelitian dilakukan pada Janauari-Februari 2012 dandilakukan pada 25 kuadrat berukuran 20 m x 20 m dengan total luasanpengamatan 1 hektar. Lokasi penelitian merupakan hutan rawa gambut sekunderdengan nilai keanekaragaman spesies tumbuhan dan kandungan karbon yangtinggi. Total spesies yang ditemukan di areal penelitian adalah 73 spesies dari 38famili. Spesies tingkat pohon diidentifikasi sebanyak 50 spesies (30 famili),kerapatan 550 individu/ha, dominansi 18,32 m2/ha, dan Indeks keanekaragamanShannon-Wiener 3,05 (keanekaragaman spesies tinggi). Spesies tingkat pohondengan Nilai Kepentingan (NK) tertinggi adalah Pandanus atrocarpus Griff.(NK= 45,86%). Tiga famili dengan NK tertinggi adalah: Pandanaceae (45,86%),Myrtaceae (40,37%), dan Dipterocarpaceae (39,20%). Struktur hutandidominasi oleh pohon dengan diameter di bawah 20 cm sebanyak 408 pohon/ha(74,05% ). Tinggi pohon dominan menempati stratum bawah D dan E dengantinggi di bawah 20 m sebanyak 431 pohon/ha (78,36 %). Ditemukan 11 spesiesyang masuk ke dalam red list IUCN 2012, tiga diantaranya adalah: Shorea rugosa(Critically endangered), Shorea tesymanniana (Endangered), dan Gonystylusbancanus (Vulnerable). Biomassa dan kandungan karbon (C) di atas permukaantanah sebesar 149,18 ton/ha dengan 70,12 ton C/ha. Pohon (D > 10 cm)memberikan nilai terbesar (56,29%) dari total biomassa dan kandungan karbon diatas permukaan tanah sebesar 83,97 ton/ha dengan 39,47 ton C/ha. Biomassa dankandungan karbon di tingkat belta sebesar 20,69 ton/ha dengan 9,72 ton C/ha(13,87%), tingkat semai dan tumbuhan bawah 0,03 ton/ha dengan 0,01 ton C/ha(0,02%), nekromassa berkayu 24,06 ton/ha dengan 11,31 ton C/ha (16.13%), sertaserasah sebesar 20,44 ton/ha dengan 9,61 ton C/ha (13,70%). Persamaan alometriyang dibuat khusus untuk Pandanus atrocarpus memberi nilai biomassa dankandungan karbon sebesar 5,16 ton/ha dengan 2,42 ton C/ha. Karbon di bawahpermukaan tanah sebesar 464.895,94 ton C/ha, dengan kedalaman gambut rerata5,5 m, bobot isi tanah rerata 0,18 g/cm3, serta kandungan C organik rerata 46,6 %.Di seluruh koridor hutan konservasi penyangga kubah gambut seluas 541 ha, totalbiomassa dan kandungan karbon di atas permukaan tanah adalah 80.708,64 tondan 37,934 ton C, dan total kandungan karbon di bawah permukaan tanah adalah238,96 juta MT C. ABSTRACT Study of the floristic composition, structure, and estimation of carbon storage ofthe peat swamp forest in PT National Sago Prima, aims to get the latestinformation of the subject as a basis for future management of the conservationarea. The research was conducted in January - February 2012 using the 25quadrats measuring 20 m x 20 m ach, covering sampled area of 1 hectare. Theresults showed that the study site is a regenerating peat swamp forests having highplant species diversity and high carbon stock content. Total species found in thestudy area were 73 species of 38 families. Tree species recorded about 50 species(30 families), tree density was 550 individuals/ha, and total tree basal area was18.32 m2/ha. The Shannon-Wiener’s Diversity Index for tree of 3.05 (high speciesdiversity). Tree species with the highest Importance Values (IV) was Pandanusatrocarpus Griff. (IV= 45.86%). The tree families with the highest IV werePandanaceae (45.86%), Myrtaceae (40.37%), and Dipterocarpaceae (39.20%).Forest structure dominated by trees with diameter below 20 cm amonting to 408trees/ha (74.05%). The forest canopy was dominated by trees in the D and Estrata with height of less than 20 m, and density of 431trees/ha (78.36%). Elevenspecies can be included in the IUCN red list e.i.: Shorea rugosa F. Heim(Critically Endangered), Shorea tesymanniana Dyer ex Brandis (Endangered), andGonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz (Vulnerable). The total aboveground biomassand carbon (C) storage was 149.18 ton/ha with 70.12 ton C/ha. Tree biomass andcarbon content was the highest component (56.29%) of aboveground biomass andcarbon content about 83.97 ton/ha with 39.47 ton C/ha. Biomass and carboncontent of saplings about 20.69 ton/ha with 9.72 ton C/ha (13.87%), seedlings andundergrowth plants 0.03 ton/ha with 0.01 ton C/ha (0.02%), woody necromass24.06 ton/ha with 11.31 ton C/ha (16.13%), and littter 20.44 ton/ha with 9.61 tonC/ha (13.70%). The allometric equation specially developed for Pandanusatrocarpus gave the total biomass and carbon content of 5.16 ton/ha with 2.42 tonC/ha. Mean peat soil depth was 5.5 m, mean bulk density of 0.18 g/cm3, andmean organic C of 46.6 %. The estimated C content in one hectare of peat soil inthe study site was 464,895.94 MT C/ha. In the entire forest corridor of peat domebuffer zone constituting the conservation area of 541 ha, the total abovegroundbiomassand carbon storage were estimated to be 80,708.64 ton and 37,934.00 tonC, while the total underground carbon was 238,96 million MT C. |