ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas tentang sumber daya manusia humas Polri dari sudut pandangilmu komunikasi, hubungan masyarakat, dan manajemen sumber daya manusia.Humas Polri merupakan fungsi pendukung yang memiliki peran sangat strategisdalam mewujudkan kepercayaan masyarakat dan membangun citra positif Polri.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif analitis.Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa rekrutmen, seleksi, dan penempatanpersonel humas Polri belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan personel yang memilikikemampuan kehumasan baik konseptual maupun operasional. Program pelatihandan pengembangan secara kualitas dan kuantitas juga belum mampumeningkatkan kemampuan personel humas Polri. Untuk itu disarankan untukmeningkatkan proses rekrutmen, seleksi dan penempatan serta pelatihan danpengembangan guna membangun sumber daya manusia humas Polri yangprofesional. ABSTRACT This thesis studied about the human resources of the police public relations fromthe perspective of communication, public relations, and human resourcemanagement. Police Public Relations as a supporting function has a strategic rolein creating public trust and build a positive image of the police. This research is adescriptive qualitative analysis. The results concluded that the recruitment,selection, and placement of public relations personnel have not been able to fullfilthe needs of personnel who have public relations skills both conceptual andoperational. Training and development programs as well as the quality andquantity have not been able to improve their competence. It is recommended tomanage the recruitment, selection, placement, training and development resourcesin order to build a professional police public relations. |