ABSTRAK Mengetahui hubungan antara derajat postur kifosis melalui pengukuran JOD(Jarak oksiput – dinding) dengan risiko jatuh melalui penilaian BBS (Berg Balance Scale)pada usila.Metode: Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif analitik potong lintang. Subjek usila sehatumur 60 tahun dan lebih, binaan lembaga non-panti PUSAKA (Pusat Santunan Keluarga)di Jakarta dengan sistem pengambilan wilayah non-random, selama Desember 2012 hinggaMaret 2013. Pengambilan sampel berdasarkan consecutive sampling. Sampel yangmemenuhi kriteria penerimaan kooperatif, ambulasi mandiri dan menandatangani lembarpersetujuan) diukur derajat kifosisnya dengan JOD dan dinilai risiko jatuhnya dengan BBS.Hasil: Sebanyak 90 usila dianalisis. Didapatkan lebih banyak kelompok usila muda 60 –74 tahun (73,3%) dengan jenis kelamin perempuan (87,8%), rerata IMT 22,3 (5) kg/m2,memiliki status pendidikan dasar (53,3%), tidak bekerja dalam hal ini sebagai ibu rumahtangga (73,3%), tidak depresi (93,3%), aktivitas harian mandiri (88,9 %) dan tidakmemiliki riwayat jatuh (73,3%).Terdapat perbedaan risiko jatuh diantara ketiga kelompok kifosis (p<0,001). Analisis posthoc mendapatkan bahwa risiko jatuh pada kelompok kifosis ringan lebih rendah bermaknadaripada kelompok kifosis sedang dan berat.Terdapat perbedaan risiko jatuh yang bermakna diantara ketiga derajat kifosis padakelompok usila perempuan, tidak ada riwayat jatuh, rentang usia 60 – 74 tahun, IMTkurang, tidak depresi dan aktivitas harian mandiri.Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan risiko jatuh diantara kelompok derajat kifosis ringan,sedang dan berat. ABSTRACT To know the relationship between the degree of kyphotic posture throughmeasurement of OWD (occiput – wall distance) with the risk of fall through the assessmentof BBS (Berg Balance Scale) in the elderly.Methods: The design of the study was cross sectional analitic descriptive. The subjectswere healthy elderly aged 60 years and above, who became a caring of PUSAKA (PusatSantunan Keluarga) in Jakarta with a non randomized system to took of the areas, duringDecember 2012 to March 2013. Samples obtained upon consecutive sampling. Sampleswho meet the inclusion criterias (cooperative, ambulate independently and signed anapproval sheet) carried out kyphotic measurement with OWD and risk of fall assessmentwith BBS.Results: There were 90 subjects who analized. Researcher found that younger elderly 60 –74 years old about 73,3%, females 87,8%, mean Body mass Index 22,3 (5) kg/m2, basiceducational status 53,3%, as a housewife 73,3%, no depression 93,3%, independent dailyactivity 88,9% and no history of fall 73,3%.There are differences the risk of fall among the three groups of kyphosis (p<0,001). Posthoc analysis has been said that risk of fall in the mild kyphosis are lowest than moderateand severe kyphosis.There are statistically significant in differences of the risk of fall among the three groups ofkyphosis in the elderly who are woman, no risk of fall’s history, age 60 – 74 years old,underweight, no depression and independent daily activity.Conclusions: There are difference risk of fall among mild, moderate and severe degree ofkyphosis |