ABSTRAK Knowledge sharing merupakan interaksi sosial yang melibatkan pertukaranpengetahuan, pengalaman, dan keterampilan pegawai dalam suatu organisasi.Knowledge sharing capability adalah kemampuan individu untuk berbagipengalaman, keahlian dan pengetahuan dengan karyawan lain dalam organisasi.Kegiatan knowledge sharing di Pusat Komunikasi Kementerian Luar Negeri(Puskom Kemlu) masih belum optimal, sehingga perlu diidentifikasi faktor-faktorapa saja yang mempengaruhi kemampuan berbagi pengetahuan (knowledgesharing capability) pegawai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasifaktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan berbagi pengetahuan(knowledge sharing capability) pegawai dalam hal ini Pejabat Komunikasi (PK)di Puskom Kemlu. Metode pengumpulan data adalah pendekatan kuantitatifmenggunakan metode survei dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 180 PK diPusat Komunikasi Kementerian Luar Negeri maupun Perwakilan RI di luarnegeri. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif, analisiskorelasi, analisis regresi linier sederhana dan analisis regresi linier berganda.Model penelitian ini mengajukan 13 (tigabelas) faktor yang terbagi kedalam 4dimensi yaitu individu, budaya organisasi, struktur organisasi (dimensi nonteknis)dan teknologi (dimensi teknis). Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan 5(lima) faktor yang secara nyata dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan berbagipengetahuan (knowledge sharing capability) PK di Puskom Kemlu. Kelima faktortersebut adalah job satisfaction (dimensi individu), social network (dimensibudaya organisasi), work process (dimensi struktur organisasi), ICT infrastructuredan end user focus (dimensi teknologi). Dari hasil analisis regresi linier bergandadidapatkan nilai koefisien determinasi yang disesuaikan sebesar 0.463 yangmenyatakan bahwa proporsi variasi keseluruhan variabel dependen (knowledgesharing capability) yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh kelima faktor tersebut adalahsebesar 46.3%, sedangkan sisanya 53.7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yangtidak dijelaskan dalam model ini. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dalam modelregresi ini, kelima faktor yang dihasilkan cukup baik digunakan untukmenjelaskan variabel dependennya. ABSTRACT Knowledge sharing is a social interaction that involves the exchange ofknowledge, experience, and skills of employees in an organization. Knowledgesharing capability is the ability of individuals to share experiences, expertise andknowledge with other employees in the organization. Knowledge sharingactivities in the Communication Center Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still notoptimal, so it is necessary to identify the factors that influence the ability to shareknowledge (knowledge sharing capability) employees. This study aims to identifythe factors that may affect the ability to share knowledge (knowledge sharingcapability) employees in this regard Communications Officials (PK) at the Centrefor Communication Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Data collection method is aquantitative approach using survey method by distributing questionnaires to 180Communications Officer at the Communication Center Ministry of ForeignAffairs and Indonesian Representative abroad. The data analysis technique used isdescriptive statistics, correlation analysis, simple linear regression analysis andmultiple linear regression analysis. The research model proposes 13 (thirteen)factors were divided into four dimensions: individual, organizational culture,organizational structure (non-technical dimensions) and technology (technicaldimensions). The results of this study found five (5) factors which cansignificantly affect the knowledge sharing capability of CommunicationsOfficials at the Communication Centre Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The fifthfactor is job satisfaction (individual dimension), social networks (dimensions oforganizational culture), work process (dimensions of organizational structure),ICT infrastructure and end user focus (technological dimension). From the resultsobtained multiple linear regression analysis adjusted coefficient of determinationvalue of 0.463 which states that the proportion of the overall variation in thedependent variable (knowledge sharing capability) that can be affected by fivefactors amounted to 46.3%, while the remaining 53.7% is influenced by othervariables that are not explained in this model. It shows that in this regressionmodel, five factors produced quite well used to explain the dependent variable. |