ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat perbedaan emosi malu dan emosi bersalah pada remaja yang bersekolah di SMA umum dan SMA swasta berdasarkan agama Islam, Katolik dan Kristen. Dalam mengukur emosi malu dan emosi bersalah, digunakan alat ukur Test of Self Conscious Affect- 3 yang dikembangkan oleh Tagney, Dearing, Wagner, dan Gramzow (2000) dan direvisi kembali untuk disesuaikan dengan konteks remaja. Jumlah partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 217 remaja dengan rincian 59 remaja bersekolah di SMA umum, 50 remaja bersekolah di SMA swasta berdasarkan agama Islam, 52 remaja bersekolah di SMA swasta berdasarkan agama Katolik, dan 56 remaja bersekolah di SMA berdasarkan agama Kristen. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan emosi malu dan emosi bersalah pada remaja yang bersekolah di SMA umum dan SMA swasta berdasarkan agama (Islam, Katolik dan Kristen). Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data dan analisis didapatkan pula bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara emosi malu dan emosi bersalah pada remaja baik yang bersekolah di SMA umum ataupun SMA swasta berdasarkan agama Islam, Katolik dan Kristen. Pada Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa remaja lebih cenderung merasakan emosi bersalah di bandingkan dengan emosi malu saat gagal untuk memenuhi standar sosial. ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to see the differences between shame and guilt in adolescents who enrolled in state high school and private high school based on Islam, Catholic and Christian. The Test of Self Conscious Affect ? 3, developed by Tagney, Dearing, Wagner, and Gramzow (2000), was used to measure the shame and the guilt before it revised to adjust to the adolescent context. The number of participants in this study were 217 adolescents with details of 59 public high school?s adolescents, 50 adolescents attended a Islam private high school, 52 adolescents attended a Catholic private high school, and 56 adolescents in Christian private high school. The results showed that there are differences in the shame and guilt in adolescents who enrolled state high school and private high school based on religion (Islam, Catholic and Christian). Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that there is a difference between the shame and guilt in high school adolescents either state or private high school based on Islam, Catholic and Christian. It is also found that adolescents are more likely to feel guilt rather than shame when failing to meet social standards. |