ABSTRAK Era globalisasi menuntut rumah sakit untuk melakukan pelayanan prima.Pelayanan prima terlaksana jika lingkungan rumah sakit tersebut mempunyaibudaya kerja tinggi. Setiap pimpinan rumah sakit bertanggung jawab danmemainkan peranan penting dalam menciptakan lingkungan kerja dengan budayakerja tinggi. Pimpinan rumah sakit di lingkungan YBRS-GKP berakhir padabulan Maret 2009. Proses pencarian kandidat pimpinan rumah sakit denganmetode rekrutmen dan seleksi, menghasilkan beberapa kandidat pimpinan rumah,tetapi metoda untuk pengambilan keputusan kandidat terpilih belum ada,sehingga analisis pengambilan keputusan pimpinan rumah sakit dilingkunganYBRS-GKP menarik untuk diteliti. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui metodedan hasil dari rekrutmen, seleksi serta pengambilan keputusan kandidat pimpinanrumah sakit. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian operational research denganmetode deskriptif analitik dan observasi-partisipatif. Penelitian ini menghasilkanmetode rekrutmen pimpinan rumah sakit melalui proses prospecting theory ofrecruitment dan matching theory recruitmet. Dari sumber rekrutmen internaldan ekternal dihasilkan 21 dan 2 kandidat. Dari saluran rekrutmen job offer danjob posting dihasilkan 10 dan 13 kandidat. Metode seleksi melalui sistemcompensatoy-approach dan sistem succesive hurdle. Pengambilan keputusanmempertimbangkan hasil seleksi berdasarkan ranking penilaian presentasimanajer, asessor. Hasil assesment center dipakai jika sesuai dengan kebutuhan.Wawancara sebagai bagian dari proses seleksi hanya dilakukan terhadap calonkandidat terpilih. Test kesehatan tidak dilaksanakan. Dasar pengambilankeputusan yang ada dalam penelitian ini adalah : rasional, intuisi, pengalaman,wewenang, fakta dan model pengambilan keputusan yang ada adalah formalisasi.Pada penilaian presentasi teknik pengambilan keputusan yang dipakai adalahnominal group technique. Teknik ini menghasilkan nilai kandidat terbaik tanpamenimbulkan konflik, tetapi teknik ini tidak dilakukan pada proses pengambilankeputusan akhir. sehingga pada pengambilan keputusan akhir timbul konflikdalam pengambilan keputusan karena adanya perbedaan pendapat. Hasilpenelitian menyarankan sebaiknya dalam keadaan konflik maka tehnikpengambilan keputusan yang dipakai sebaiknya menggunakan Metoda Delphi.Seluruh hasil seleksi disarankan untuk diarsipkan sebagai bahan pertimbanganevaluasi penilaian kinerja. ABSTRACT At this globalization era, a hospital should give their services excellently. An excellentservice will be made as the hospital having a high working ethos. The hospital leader, inthis case, is the one who take the responsibility and play an important role in managingand maintaining the working environment with its high working ethos. The leadership ofthe hospital at the YBRS-GKP is ended in March 2009 and a new leader supposes to berecruited. The candidate selection processes is using a recruit and select method, and hasproducing several candidates. However, there is still no method on making final decisionfor choosing the best hospital leader, a situation that interesting to analyze. Therefore,this study has a purpose in exploring the method on recruitment, selection, and decisionmaking on choosing the candidate for the hospital leader of YBRS-GKP. The study is anoperational research using a descriptive and participation-observational approach. Thestudy produces a recruitment method through a process of prospecting theory ofrecruitment and matching theory recruitment. From the internal and external sourcesthere are 21 and 2 candidates. From the channel of job offering and job posting, there are10 and 13 candidates. The selection is using the compensatory-approach system and thesuccessive hurdle system. Decision is made by considering the result of the selectionbased on the rank of presentation judgment from the managers and from assessors. Theresult from the assessment center is used if it reaches the criteria needed. An interviewas a part of the selection process will be carried out toward candidate chosen, and thereis no health examination to the candidates. The decision is made though, in this study,based on rationality, intuition, experience, authority, facts and decision making model offormalize. The judgment of presentation of decision making technique is using thenominal group technique. This technique is yielding the best candidate score withoutany conflict when it comes to decision. But, this technique is not proceeding in theprocess of final decision. Therefore, conflicts are emerging as there are some differentopinions at the final decision. The study suggest that in order to prevent the conflict atthe process, a decision technique would be better to use Delphi method, and all selectionprocess is should be recorded as a consideration substance to evaluate the workingperformance. |