[Dalam menuju target pencapaian MDG?s pada tahun 2015, peranpuskesmas sangatlah penting, puskesmas sebagai institusi terdepan tidak hanyapemberi pelayanan kesehatan saja, tetapi juga melaksanakan berbagai programkesehatan untuk mempercepat pencapaian MDG?s tersebut . Beberapa hasilpenelitian menunjukkan masih adanya ketidakpuasan yang dialami pasienterhadap mutu pelayanan kesehatan di puskesmas terutama pelayanan kesehatandi unit rawat jalan. Oleh karena itu dalam aplikasinya, puskesmas harusmemperhatikan mutu pelayanan kesehatan yang diberikannya agar kepuasanpasien dapat terpenuhi. Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat pada tahun 2012 diPuskesmas Cikampek hanya berada pada nilai indeks 78.91 yang artinyapuskesmas masih harus meningkatkan mutu pelayanannya agar kepuasan pasiendapat tercapai,karena dengan tercapainya kepuasan pasien maka akan memberikannilai tambah yang positif bagi Puskesmas Cikampek sendiri, sehingga padaakhirnya puskesmas dapat menjadi pilihan bagi masyarakat untuk memeliharakesehatannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah adahubungan antara karakteristik pasien dengan persepsinya terhadap mutupelayanan rawat jalan di Puskesmas Cikampek Kabupaten Karawang pada tahun2014. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Adapun yang menjadisampel dalam penelitian adalah pasien yang telah mendapatkan pelayanan rawatjalan dan setelah dilakukan penghitungan sampel didapatkanlah sebanyak 96responden dengan ditambah 15% maka total responden adalah 111 responden,dengan kriteria responden yang telah berumur 16 tahun dan merupakan pasienrawat jalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan antara pendidikanpasien dengan persepsinya terhadap dimensi mutu assurance pada pelayananrawat jalan di Puskesmas Cikampek, dimana prosentase responden yang puasdengan pelayanan rawat di Puskesmas Cikampek adalah 45.2 % responden dan54.8 % responden tidak puas dengan pelayanan rawat jalan puskesmas Cikampek;In towards the achievement of MDG targets by 2015, the role of health center isimportant, as the health center is not only a leading institution health careproviders alone, but also carry out various programs health to accelerate theachievement of the MDG's. puskesmas responsible for the development of healthin the working area, so that existence is still very much needed by the community.In its application, health centers should pay attention to the quality of healthservices that it provides, that patient satisfaction can be met. Cikampek healthcenter should attention to patient satisfaction because it is the achievement ofsatisfaction patients it will provide added value to the health center positiveCikampek itself, which in turn can be a health center for the community choice tomaintain his health. The purpose of this research is to know relationship of patientcharacteristics with perceptions of the quality of ambulatory care Cikampek healthcenter street in Karawang district. This study is quantitative research. As for thesample in the study is patient who has received outpatient services, and obtainedas much 111 respondents with a simple random sampling technique. results of thestudy shows that there is a relationship between the perception of patient educationthe quality of outpatient services at the health center with the percentage ikampek45.2% of patients with ambulatory care health centers and 54.8% Cikampekpatients are not satisfied with the service Cikampek outpatient health center, In towards the achievement of MDG targets by 2015, the role of health center isimportant, as the health center is not only a leading institution health careproviders alone, but also carry out various programs health to accelerate theachievement of the MDG's. puskesmas responsible for the development of healthin the working area, so that existence is still very much needed by the community.In its application, health centers should pay attention to the quality of healthservices that it provides, that patient satisfaction can be met. Cikampek healthcenter should attention to patient satisfaction because it is the achievement ofsatisfaction patients it will provide added value to the health center positiveCikampek itself, which in turn can be a health center for the community choice tomaintain his health. The purpose of this research is to know relationship of patientcharacteristics with perceptions of the quality of ambulatory care Cikampek healthcenter street in Karawang district. This study is quantitative research. As for thesample in the study is patient who has received outpatient services, and obtainedas much 111 respondents with a simple random sampling technique. results of thestudy shows that there is a relationship between the perception of patient educationthe quality of outpatient services at the health center with the percentage ikampek45.2% of patients with ambulatory care health centers and 54.8% Cikampekpatients are not satisfied with the service Cikampek outpatient health center] |