ABSTRAK Prematuritas merupakan salah satu penyebab terbesar morbiditas dan mortalitasbayi termasuk kematian neonatal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui besarhubungan prematuritas dengan kematian neonatal di Indonesia setelah seluruhvariabel confounding (umur ibu, urutan kelahiran, jarak kelahiran, komplikasikehamilan, komplikasi persalinan, tingkat pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, statusekonomi ibu, frekuensi ANC, komponen ANC 5T plus, penolong persalinan,tempat persalinan, jenis persalinan, dan wilayah tempat tinggal ibu) dikendalikandan mengetahui besar PAR (Population Attributtable Risk) prematuritas terhadapkematian neonatal di Indonesia tahun 2010. Desain studi penelitian ini adalahkasus kontrol (1:4) dengan analisis multivariat regresi logistik gandamenggunakan data sekunder Riskesdas 2010. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian iniadalah 120 kasus dan 480 kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besarhubungan prematuritas dengan kematian neonatal setelah dikendalikan variabelconfounding (komplikasi kehamilan, komplikasi persalinan, frekuensi ANC) yaituOR sebesar 9,31 (95% CI : 4,63-18,70) dan PAR sebesar 19,96%. Untukmenurunkan kematian neonatal, diharapkan pemerintah dan masyarakat dapatberperan aktif dalam penurunan dan penanggulangan prematuritas sedini mungkindengan peningkatan pelayanan antenatal. ABSTRACT Prematurity is one of the biggest main cause of morbidity and mortality of infantincluding the neonatal death. Aims of this research are to know how big therelationship between prematurity and neonatal death in Indonesia after allvariables of confounding (age of mother, turn of birth, gap of birth, complicationof pregnancy, complication of labor, mother’s education level, mother’s job,mother’s economic status, frequency of ANC, component of ANC 5T plus, laborhelper, place of labor, kind of labor and mother’s region) have been controlled andto know how big the PAR (Population Attributtable Risk) of prematurity andneonatal death in Indonesia on 2010. The design of this research is case control(1:4) with multiple logistic regression to multivariate analysis using secondarydata of Riskesdas 2010. The number of sample in this research is 120 cases and480 controls. The result of this research shows the strong relation betweenprematurity and neonatal death after controlled by variables of confounding(complication of pregnancy, complication of labor, frequency of ANC) is OR as9,31 (95% CI : 4,63-18,70) and PAR as 19,66%. To decrease the neonatal death,hopefully the government and public will actively support in decreasing andpreventing the prematurity by improving the effectiveness of ANC |