[ABSTRAK Seiring dengan berkembangnya kejahatan-kejahatan terorganisasi khususnyaNarkotika, merupakan kejahatan yang berdampak merugikan bangsa dan negarasecara luas sehingga dikategorikan kejahatan serius atau disebut juga sebagai?extra ordinary crime?. Bangsa Indonesia siaga terhadap penanggulangankejahatan-kejahatan tersebut dengan memberlakukan kebijakan-kebijakankriminal. Salah satu kebijakan tersebut dengan Moratorium/Pengetatan Hak-hakNarapidana mendapatkan Remisi, Asimilasi dan Pembebasan bersyarat, hal iniditujukan untuk efek jera bagi pelaku kejahatan tersebut dan memenuhi rasakeadilan bagi masyarakat luas. Dengan semangat tersebut maka diberlakukanPeraturan Pemerintah yang mengatur tentang moratorium syarat mendapatkanRemisi, Asimilasi dan pembebasan bersyarat, yaitu PP No 99 Tahun 2012.Namun pemberlakuan PP No 99 Tahun 2012 tersebut menimbulkan polemikkarena dianggap diskriminatif, melanggar HAM dan bertentangan dengan tujuanpemidanaan serta Hierarki perundang-undangan, selain itu pertentangan yangterjadi timbul pada salah satu syarat moratorium hak mendapatkan Remisi danpembebasan bersyarat adalah harus bersedia bekerjasama dengan penegak hukummembongkar kejahatan yang dilakukanya ( Justice Collaborator) sertapertentangan bahwa pada saat seseorang telah berstatus sebagai narapidanaharusnya telah memasuki tahap pembinaan dan mendapatkan perlakuan yangsama tanpa membicarakan lagi tentang kejahatan yang dilakukan ABSTRACT The development of organized crime especially for Narcotics and Drugs Crimesinflict such destruction impact into our nation, so this crime is being called as seriouscrime and also called an Extra Ordinary Crime. Indonesia is preparing to prevent thesecrimes by applying some criminal policies. One of the criminal policy which applied bythe Indonesian Government is the Moratorium of Inmates Rights to obtain the remission,assimilation, and parole. This policy aims to give the detterent effect to those narcoticsand drugs offender and to reach the values of justice for society as well. With the spirit asmentioned above, the Indonesian Government enact The Government Ordinance No.99/2012. But in other side, the enactment of this regulation evoke a polemic. The polemicraise because this regulation has been considered as a discriminative regulation,breached the universal values of human rights, contradictive with the sentencing purposeand also contradictive with the hierarchy of regulations as well. Another unappropriaterule in this regulation is the requirement for the inmate to become a justice collaborator.An inmate of these crimes should be in rehabilitation and development phase, not in thephase of arguing the crime itself which is past in the pra-ajudication and ajudicationphase.;The development of organized crime especially for Narcotics and Drugs Crimesinflict such destruction impact into our nation, so this crime is being called as seriouscrime and also called an Extra Ordinary Crime. Indonesia is preparing to prevent thesecrimes by applying some criminal policies. One of the criminal policy which applied bythe Indonesian Government is the Moratorium of Inmates Rights to obtain the remission,assimilation, and parole. This policy aims to give the detterent effect to those narcoticsand drugs offender and to reach the values of justice for society as well. With the spirit asmentioned above, the Indonesian Government enact The Government Ordinance No.99/2012. But in other side, the enactment of this regulation evoke a polemic. The polemicraise because this regulation has been considered as a discriminative regulation,breached the universal values of human rights, contradictive with the sentencing purposeand also contradictive with the hierarchy of regulations as well. Another unappropriaterule in this regulation is the requirement for the inmate to become a justice collaborator.An inmate of these crimes should be in rehabilitation and development phase, not in thephase of arguing the crime itself which is past in the pra-ajudication and ajudicationphase., The development of organized crime especially for Narcotics and Drugs Crimesinflict such destruction impact into our nation, so this crime is being called as seriouscrime and also called an Extra Ordinary Crime. Indonesia is preparing to prevent thesecrimes by applying some criminal policies. One of the criminal policy which applied bythe Indonesian Government is the Moratorium of Inmates Rights to obtain the remission,assimilation, and parole. This policy aims to give the detterent effect to those narcoticsand drugs offender and to reach the values of justice for society as well. With the spirit asmentioned above, the Indonesian Government enact The Government Ordinance No.99/2012. But in other side, the enactment of this regulation evoke a polemic. The polemicraise because this regulation has been considered as a discriminative regulation,breached the universal values of human rights, contradictive with the sentencing purposeand also contradictive with the hierarchy of regulations as well. Another unappropriaterule in this regulation is the requirement for the inmate to become a justice collaborator.An inmate of these crimes should be in rehabilitation and development phase, not in thephase of arguing the crime itself which is past in the pra-ajudication and ajudicationphase.] |