[ABSTRAK Hukum Waris Perdata menetapkan adanya dua jenis pewarisan, yaitu pewarisanberdasarkan undang-undang (pewarisan ab-intestato) dan pewarisan berdasarkanwasiat (pewarisan ad-testamento). Bagian mutlak (legitime portie) adalah bagianminimum tertentu yang tidak dapat diganggu gugat dan harus diperoleh ahli warisab-intestaat tertentu dalam garis lurus ke atas maupun ke bawah yang biasadisebut dengan legitimaris. Namun pada prakteknya, banyak terdapat akta wasiatyang dibuat di hadapan notaris yang berisi kehendak pewaris yang melanggarbagian mutlak (legitime portie) dari para legitimaris. Padahal akta wasiat yangdibuat di hadapan notaris merupakan bentuk wasiat yang paling ideal karenadalam pembuatannya notaris dapat memberikan bimbingan dan himbauan kepadapewaris sehubungan dengan akibat-akibat yang timbul dari dibuatnya wasiattersebut, dan notaris merupakan pejabat yang berwenang untuk membuat aktaautentik sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris. Metode penelitian yangdigunakan dalam tesis ini adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian kepustakaandengan menggunakan data sekunder. Untuk lebih memahami mengenai tanggungjawab notaris untuk memperhatikan bagian mutlak (legitime portie) dalampembuatan akta wasiat, tesis ini mengadakan studi kasus putusan PengadilanNegeri Tangerang Nomor: 29/PDT.G/2010/PN.TNG yang mengangkatpermasalahan para ahli waris dari pewaris yang menuntut pembatalan akta wasiatyang melanggar bagian mutlak (legitime portie). ABSTRACT Civil Inheritance Law establishes the two types of inheritance, those areinheritance which based on the laws (inheritance ab-intestato) and inheritancewhich based on testament (inheritance ad-testamento). Legitimate portion(legitime portie) is particular minimum parts that is inviolable and must beobtained by the certain ab-intestaat heirs in the vertical relation with the deceased,which commonly known as legitimate heirs. However, in practice, there are manytestament deeds before a notary containing the testator?s will which violate thelegitimate portion (legitime portie) of the legitimate heirs. Whereas the testamentdeed before a notary is the most ideal form of testament because in the making ofthose testament deeds notary can provide guidance and counsel about theconsequences arising from the testament deeds to the testator, besides the notary isan authorized officer to make authentic deeds according to Law of Republic ofIndonesia concerning Notaries. The research method used in this thesis is juridicalnormative, the literature research by using the secondary data. For furtherunderstanding on the responsibility of notary to regard the legitimate portion(legitime portie) in the making of testament deed, this thesis provides a case studyof Tangerang District Court Judgement Number: 29/PDT.G/2010/PN.TNG aboutthe dispute between legitimate heirs and ad-testamento heir where as thelegitimate heirs demanding the cancellation of the testament deed before a notarywhich violate their legitimate portion (legitime portie).;Civil Inheritance Law establishes the two types of inheritance, those areinheritance which based on the laws (inheritance ab-intestato) and inheritancewhich based on testament (inheritance ad-testamento). Legitimate portion(legitime portie) is particular minimum parts that is inviolable and must beobtained by the certain ab-intestaat heirs in the vertical relation with the deceased,which commonly known as legitimate heirs. However, in practice, there are manytestament deeds before a notary containing the testator’s will which violate thelegitimate portion (legitime portie) of the legitimate heirs. Whereas the testamentdeed before a notary is the most ideal form of testament because in the making ofthose testament deeds notary can provide guidance and counsel about theconsequences arising from the testament deeds to the testator, besides the notary isan authorized officer to make authentic deeds according to Law of Republic ofIndonesia concerning Notaries. The research method used in this thesis is juridicalnormative, the literature research by using the secondary data. For furtherunderstanding on the responsibility of notary to regard the legitimate portion(legitime portie) in the making of testament deed, this thesis provides a case studyof Tangerang District Court Judgement Number: 29/PDT.G/2010/PN.TNG aboutthe dispute between legitimate heirs and ad-testamento heir where as thelegitimate heirs demanding the cancellation of the testament deed before a notarywhich violate their legitimate portion (legitime portie)., Civil Inheritance Law establishes the two types of inheritance, those areinheritance which based on the laws (inheritance ab-intestato) and inheritancewhich based on testament (inheritance ad-testamento). Legitimate portion(legitime portie) is particular minimum parts that is inviolable and must beobtained by the certain ab-intestaat heirs in the vertical relation with the deceased,which commonly known as legitimate heirs. However, in practice, there are manytestament deeds before a notary containing the testator’s will which violate thelegitimate portion (legitime portie) of the legitimate heirs. Whereas the testamentdeed before a notary is the most ideal form of testament because in the making ofthose testament deeds notary can provide guidance and counsel about theconsequences arising from the testament deeds to the testator, besides the notary isan authorized officer to make authentic deeds according to Law of Republic ofIndonesia concerning Notaries. The research method used in this thesis is juridicalnormative, the literature research by using the secondary data. For furtherunderstanding on the responsibility of notary to regard the legitimate portion(legitime portie) in the making of testament deed, this thesis provides a case studyof Tangerang District Court Judgement Number: 29/PDT.G/2010/PN.TNG aboutthe dispute between legitimate heirs and ad-testamento heir where as thelegitimate heirs demanding the cancellation of the testament deed before a notarywhich violate their legitimate portion (legitime portie).] |