[ABSTRAK> Penelitian ini mengenai Kepemimpinan Sekolah Pada Sekolah Dasar RegulerMenjadi Sekolah Unggulan pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) 11 KebonJeruk Jakarta Barat. Pada saat ini, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk masih melaksanakantransformasi dari Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI) menjadisekolah reguler biasa untuk tetap menjadi sekolah unggulan. Soft systemsmethodology (SSM) digunakan sebagai metoda dalam penelitian ini karenaSDN 11 Kebon Jeruk dilihat sebagai human activity systems. Sementarapeneliti mengambil beberapa ?core values? dari praktek successful schoolleadership yang tepat bagi kondisi transisi dari SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk saat ini.Penelitian ini pada hasilnya menyimpulkan empat (4) hal sebagaipembelajaran yang dapat membuat SDN 11 kebon Jeruk tetap menjadiSekolah Dasar Negeri unggulan di Wilayah Jakarta Barat, diantaranya adalah:1. Untuk praktek setting direction, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk harus menyusunprosedur manajemen berbasis sekolah, dengan membentuk characterbuilding, membuat berbagai pedomannya, lalu membuat standar prosedur,membuat tahapan Job Description, SOP untuk guru- guru. 2. Untuk praktekdeveloping people, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk perlu memberikan dana tambahanuntuk kesejahteraan (dana dari orang tua murid) yang bertujuan agar guruhonorer yang belum PNS memiliki tingkat kesejahteraan yang semakin baik.3. Untuk praktek redesigning organization Komite SDN 11 Kebon Jerukperlu meningkatkan pengelolaan persepsi publik dalam membangun relasidunia luar dari sekolah menjadi terbangunnya relasi semakin baik.Dampaknya kepada para peserta didik, seperti lebih berani tampil, percayadiri, memiliki tambahan wawasan karena banyak pihak luar yang datangberbagi informasi dan pengetahuan. 4. Untuk praktek managing instructional(teaching and learning) programme, Kepala SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk harusmerealisasikan, mengontrol pelaksanaan rekomendasi dan masukan terhadappeningkatan mutu kegiatan pembelajaran. ABSTRACT This research is about School Leadership on Regular Elementary Schoolbecome Elementary Leading School on Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) 11Kebun Jeruk in West Jakarta. At this time, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk still carryout the transformation of the RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional)into the regular school to remain a Leading School. Soft systemsmethodology (SSM) is used as a method in this study because of SDN 11Kebon Jeruk seen as human activity systems. While researchers took several'core values' of successful school leadership practices appropriate for theconditions of the transition from SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk today. This studyconcludes on the results of four (4) things as learning to make SDN 11 KebonJeruk remains a leading public elementary school in West Jakarta region,including: 1. To practice setting direction, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk shoulddevelop school-based management procedures , by forming characterbuilding, making a variety of guidelines, then made a standard procedure,making the stages Job Description, SOP for teachers. 2. To practicedeveloping people, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk need to provide additional funds forwelfare (funds from parents) that aims to part time teachers who have not hadthe welfare of civil servants are getting better. 3. To practice redesigningorganization, the Committee of SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk need to improve themanagement of public perception in building relationships outside of theschool world becomes more good relations. The impact to the students, suchas more daring, confident, have additional insight because many outsiderswho come to share information and knowledge. 4. To practice managinginstructional (teaching and learning) program, the principal of SDN 11 KebonJeruk must realize, control the implementation of the recommendations andinput to improve the quality of learning activities.;This research is about School Leadership on Regular Elementary Schoolbecome Elementary Leading School on Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) 11Kebun Jeruk in West Jakarta. At this time, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk still carryout the transformation of the RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional)into the regular school to remain a Leading School. Soft systemsmethodology (SSM) is used as a method in this study because of SDN 11Kebon Jeruk seen as human activity systems. While researchers took several'core values' of successful school leadership practices appropriate for theconditions of the transition from SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk today. This studyconcludes on the results of four (4) things as learning to make SDN 11 KebonJeruk remains a leading public elementary school in West Jakarta region,including: 1. To practice setting direction, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk shoulddevelop school-based management procedures , by forming characterbuilding, making a variety of guidelines, then made a standard procedure,making the stages Job Description, SOP for teachers. 2. To practicedeveloping people, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk need to provide additional funds forwelfare (funds from parents) that aims to part time teachers who have not hadthe welfare of civil servants are getting better. 3. To practice redesigningorganization, the Committee of SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk need to improve themanagement of public perception in building relationships outside of theschool world becomes more good relations. The impact to the students, suchas more daring, confident, have additional insight because many outsiderswho come to share information and knowledge. 4. To practice managinginstructional (teaching and learning) program, the principal of SDN 11 KebonJeruk must realize, control the implementation of the recommendations andinput to improve the quality of learning activities., This research is about School Leadership on Regular Elementary Schoolbecome Elementary Leading School on Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) 11Kebun Jeruk in West Jakarta. At this time, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk still carryout the transformation of the RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional)into the regular school to remain a Leading School. Soft systemsmethodology (SSM) is used as a method in this study because of SDN 11Kebon Jeruk seen as human activity systems. While researchers took several'core values' of successful school leadership practices appropriate for theconditions of the transition from SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk today. This studyconcludes on the results of four (4) things as learning to make SDN 11 KebonJeruk remains a leading public elementary school in West Jakarta region,including: 1. To practice setting direction, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk shoulddevelop school-based management procedures , by forming characterbuilding, making a variety of guidelines, then made a standard procedure,making the stages Job Description, SOP for teachers. 2. To practicedeveloping people, SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk need to provide additional funds forwelfare (funds from parents) that aims to part time teachers who have not hadthe welfare of civil servants are getting better. 3. To practice redesigningorganization, the Committee of SDN 11 Kebon Jeruk need to improve themanagement of public perception in building relationships outside of theschool world becomes more good relations. The impact to the students, suchas more daring, confident, have additional insight because many outsiderswho come to share information and knowledge. 4. To practice managinginstructional (teaching and learning) program, the principal of SDN 11 KebonJeruk must realize, control the implementation of the recommendations andinput to improve the quality of learning activities.] |