[ABSTRAK Latar Belakang. Rotavirus merupakan penyebab terbesar dari penyakit diare akutpada anak balita. Gejala klinis yang ditimbulkan yaitu diare, demam, muntah,nyeri perut, dan dehidrasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di dua kota tahun 2007,ditemukan 47% Rotavirus sebagai penyebab diare akut di RS Hasan Sadikin,Bandung, sedangkan di RS Dr Sardjito, Yogyakarta ditemukan 32%. Biayapemeriksaan laboratorium untuk mendeteksi adanya Rotavirus sangat mahal padalaboratorium tertentu saja. Belum diketahui kemampuan mendeteksi diare yangdisebabkan Rotavirus berdasarkan beberapa gejala klinis dan karakteristik anakbalita dengan diare akut.Objektif. Mengeksplorasi model prediksi untuk diagnosis diare yang disebabkaninfeksi Rotavirus pada anak balita dengan diare akut dengan berdasarkaninformasi gejala klinis dan karakteristik anak.Metode. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan subsampel data penelitianutama Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan RIyang berjudul ?Identifikasi dan Uji Resistensi Mikroorganisme Penyebab DiarePada Anak Balita di Indonesia tahun 2011?. Data anak balita dengan diare yangdirawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Serang selama tahun 2012 dikumpulkan melaluikuesioner. Selain gejala klinis dan karakteristik anak, dikumpulkan juga sampeltinja untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan adanya Rotavirus dengan metode Real-TimePCR..Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gejala demam, kondisi tinja cair dankarakteristik anak (meliputi umur balita dan tidak diberi ASI) dapat digunakanuntuk memprediksi adanya infeksi Rotavirus pada anak balita dengan diare akut.Model prediksi untuk nilai duga positif terjadinya infeksi Rotavirus pada anakdiare akut sebesar 71,43%, berdasarkan gejala klinis (meliputi demam dankondisi tinja cair) dan karakteristik anak (umur balita dan tidak diberi ASI). Padaanak diare akut yang mengalami gejala demam, kondisi tinja cair, umur 1-12bulan, dan tidak diberi ASI, dugaan penyebab diare akut adalah rotavirus denganpeluang sebesar 82,1%.Simpulan dan Saran. Karakteristik anak dan beberapa gejala klinis dapatdigunakan untuk menduga penyebab diare akut yang disebabkan Rotavirus.Mendasari hasil penelitian disarankan agar anak diare yang diikuti dengandemam dan kondisi tinja cair, perlu mendapat penanganan segera dengan diawalirehidrasi dan dapat dijadikan masukan bagi kebijakan dalam tatalaksana diareakut yang disebabkan Rotavirus. ABSTRACT Background. Rotavirus is the common cause of acute diarrheal disease inchildren under five years old with the several clinical symptoms such as waterystool, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and dehydration. Based on the previousstudies, the prevalence rotavirus among underfive children between 32% and 47%at two hospital in the two cities in the year 2007. Laboratory cost for examiningRotavirus is very expensive. Until now, we don?t know how accurate to predictRotavirus as a cause of acute diarrhea among underfive children based on theinformation of clinical symptoms and children?s characteristics.Objectives. The aim of this study is to explore the prediction model fordiagnosing Rotavirus diarrhea among underfive children by clinical symptomsand other characteristics.Methods. Using data from the main study of ?Identification and resistanceanalysis of microorganism causing diarrhea among children under five years oldin Indonesia? was analyzed?. The study collected data from the questionnaire andalso specimens in Serang Hospital in 2012. The analyses were completed bylaboratory data from the specimens by Real-Time PCR.Results: The results of the study found that fever, watery stools and age under 12months without having breastfeeding can be used as prediction model ofRotavirus infections among children with acute diarrhea. The prediction model ofpositive predictive value of Rotavirus infection of acute diarrhea is 71,43%. Thepositive predictive value is fulfilled from clinical symptoms including fever andwatery stools and toddlers without having breastfeeding. Children presentingacute diarrhea with fever, watery stools, age under 12 months and no breastfeeding had the prediction value 82,1%.Conclusion and recommendation. Characteristics and clinical symptoms ofchildren underfive might be used to predict diarrhea caused by Rotavirus.Rehydration of acute diarrhea of Rotavirus infection is important step inmanagement of acute diarrhea among underfive children.;Background. Rotavirus is the common cause of acute diarrheal disease inchildren under five years old with the several clinical symptoms such as waterystool, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and dehydration. Based on the previousstudies, the prevalence rotavirus among underfive children between 32% and 47%at two hospital in the two cities in the year 2007. Laboratory cost for examiningRotavirus is very expensive. Until now, we don’t know how accurate to predictRotavirus as a cause of acute diarrhea among underfive children based on theinformation of clinical symptoms and children’s characteristics.Objectives. The aim of this study is to explore the prediction model fordiagnosing Rotavirus diarrhea among underfive children by clinical symptomsand other characteristics.Methods. Using data from the main study of “Identification and resistanceanalysis of microorganism causing diarrhea among children under five years oldin Indonesia” was analyzed”. The study collected data from the questionnaire andalso specimens in Serang Hospital in 2012. The analyses were completed bylaboratory data from the specimens by Real-Time PCR.Results: The results of the study found that fever, watery stools and age under 12months without having breastfeeding can be used as prediction model ofRotavirus infections among children with acute diarrhea. The prediction model ofpositive predictive value of Rotavirus infection of acute diarrhea is 71,43%. Thepositive predictive value is fulfilled from clinical symptoms including fever andwatery stools and toddlers without having breastfeeding. Children presentingacute diarrhea with fever, watery stools, age under 12 months and no breastfeeding had the prediction value 82,1%.Conclusion and recommendation. Characteristics and clinical symptoms ofchildren underfive might be used to predict diarrhea caused by Rotavirus.Rehydration of acute diarrhea of Rotavirus infection is important step inmanagement of acute diarrhea among underfive children., Background. Rotavirus is the common cause of acute diarrheal disease inchildren under five years old with the several clinical symptoms such as waterystool, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and dehydration. Based on the previousstudies, the prevalence rotavirus among underfive children between 32% and 47%at two hospital in the two cities in the year 2007. Laboratory cost for examiningRotavirus is very expensive. Until now, we don’t know how accurate to predictRotavirus as a cause of acute diarrhea among underfive children based on theinformation of clinical symptoms and children’s characteristics.Objectives. The aim of this study is to explore the prediction model fordiagnosing Rotavirus diarrhea among underfive children by clinical symptomsand other characteristics.Methods. Using data from the main study of “Identification and resistanceanalysis of microorganism causing diarrhea among children under five years oldin Indonesia” was analyzed”. The study collected data from the questionnaire andalso specimens in Serang Hospital in 2012. The analyses were completed bylaboratory data from the specimens by Real-Time PCR.Results: The results of the study found that fever, watery stools and age under 12months without having breastfeeding can be used as prediction model ofRotavirus infections among children with acute diarrhea. The prediction model ofpositive predictive value of Rotavirus infection of acute diarrhea is 71,43%. Thepositive predictive value is fulfilled from clinical symptoms including fever andwatery stools and toddlers without having breastfeeding. Children presentingacute diarrhea with fever, watery stools, age under 12 months and no breastfeeding had the prediction value 82,1%.Conclusion and recommendation. Characteristics and clinical symptoms ofchildren underfive might be used to predict diarrhea caused by Rotavirus.Rehydration of acute diarrhea of Rotavirus infection is important step inmanagement of acute diarrhea among underfive children.] |