[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas mengenai perbandingan perjanjian perdagangan bebas yangdiikuti oleh Indonesia dalam kerangka kerjasama antara ASEAN dan Keempat MitraWicara. Substansi yang diperbandingkan dalam penulisan ini adalah pengaturanperdagangan barang atau trade in goods. Keempat perjanjian ini memiliki persamaandan perbedaan. Perbandingan yang menjadi fokus utama pembahasan adalahbagaimana tiap-tiap perjanjian memenuhi teori keadilan dalam perdagangan liberal.Berdasarkan hasil analis, dicari upaya yang disediakan oleh setiap perjanjianperdagangan bebas bagi negara berkembang yang merasa tidak diuntungkan. Teoricritical legal studiesdigunakan dalam menganalisa upaya dan merujuk pada ketentuanpada perjanjian perdagangan bebas yang diikuti oleh Indonesia. Penelitian merupakanpenelitian yuridis normatif dengan metode analisa data kualitatif data diperolehdengan melakukan studi kepustakaan.Tidak ada perbedaan mendasar dalam pengaturan perdagangan barang dalamperjanjian-perjanjian perdagangan barang antara ASEAN dan keempat Mitra Wicara.Pengaturan perdagangan barang dalam keempat perjanjian perdagangan barang initelah berusaha memenuhi prinsip keadilan dalam perdagangan liberal, namun bentukkeadilan berupa perlakuan berbeda bagi negara yang paling tidak diuntungkan dalamhal ini adalah negara berkembang, hanya bersifat sementara.Negara berkembangsebagai pengimpor sulit untuk melakukan negoisasi yang membutuhkan proseduryang panjang.Terhitung pada tanggal pemberlakuan liberalisasi penuh specialdifferential treatment ini akan dihapuskan. Terhadap perjanjian-perjanjianperdagangan bebas yang dirasa tidak adil atau tidak mampu untuk dilaksanakan olehsuatu negara seperti negara berkembang maka terdapat 2 langkah kebijakan yangdapat diambil oleh pemerintah negara yang bersangkutan.Mengingat sulitnya upaya melakukan perubahan atas isi perjanjian yang disepakati.Pemerintah Indonesia harus lebih memperhatikan perjanjian-perjanjian perdaganganbebas yang akan ditandatangani nantinya. Pilihan yang paling realistis untuk saat inibagi Indonesia adalah tetap memberlakukan perjanjian-perjanjian perdagangan bebasdalam Kerangka Kerjasama ASEAN yang telah disepakati. Demikian, dengan realitaskemampuan Indonesia saat ini hal yang dapat dilakukan adalah memfokuskan diripada perbaikan kinerja industri lokal (modal, pendidikan, keahlian dan teknologi). ABSTRACT This research discusses the comparison of the free trade agreements Indonesia entersinto in the cooperative framework between ASEAN and the four Dialogue Partners.The substance upon which this research compares is the regulation of trade in goods.These four agreements share some similarities as well as differences. The comparisonthat serves as the main focus of the discussion is how every agreement satisfies thetheory of justice in liberal trades. An analysis of each agreement is performed to lookfor the terms by which a disadvantaged developing country can seek to address thejustice it perceives. The theory of critical legal studies is employed in analyzing andrefering to the terms in the free trade agreements joined by Indonesia. This research isa legal-normative research with qualitative analysis of the data obtained fromliterature studies.There are no fundamental differences in the regulation of trade in goods in the tradein goods agreements between ASEAN and the four Dialogue Partners. The regulationof the trade in goods within these four trade in goods agreements has sought to satisfythe principle of justice in liberal trades. However, the equity that takes form in thedifferential treatments for the most disadvantaged countries,which in this case aredeveloping countries, is only temporary in nature. An importing developing countryfinds it difficult to be in anegotation that undertakes long procedures. By the time theliberalization swings in full effect, this special differential treatment will beabolished. With regards to the free trade agreements perceived to be inequitable orunperformable by a country such as a developing country, there are two policymeasures that the government of such country can take.Taking into account the difficulty in amending the agreed-upon terms, theGovernment of Indonesia has to pay more attention to the free trade agreements it isabout to enter into. The most realistic choice for Indonesia at this moment is to keeprespecting the free trade agreements in the agreed ASEAN Cooperative Framework.With this reality in mind, Indonesia has to focus on the improvement of theperformance of local industries (capital, education, skills and technology).;This research discusses the comparison of the free trade agreements Indonesia entersinto in the cooperative framework between ASEAN and the four Dialogue Partners.The substance upon which this research compares is the regulation of trade in goods.These four agreements share some similarities as well as differences. The comparisonthat serves as the main focus of the discussion is how every agreement satisfies thetheory of justice in liberal trades. An analysis of each agreement is performed to lookfor the terms by which a disadvantaged developing country can seek to address thejustice it perceives. The theory of critical legal studies is employed in analyzing andrefering to the terms in the free trade agreements joined by Indonesia. This research isa legal-normative research with qualitative analysis of the data obtained fromliterature studies.There are no fundamental differences in the regulation of trade in goods in the tradein goods agreements between ASEAN and the four Dialogue Partners. The regulationof the trade in goods within these four trade in goods agreements has sought to satisfythe principle of justice in liberal trades. However, the equity that takes form in thedifferential treatments for the most disadvantaged countries,which in this case aredeveloping countries, is only temporary in nature. An importing developing countryfinds it difficult to be in anegotation that undertakes long procedures. By the time theliberalization swings in full effect, this special differential treatment will beabolished. With regards to the free trade agreements perceived to be inequitable orunperformable by a country such as a developing country, there are two policymeasures that the government of such country can take.Taking into account the difficulty in amending the agreed-upon terms, theGovernment of Indonesia has to pay more attention to the free trade agreements it isabout to enter into. The most realistic choice for Indonesia at this moment is to keeprespecting the free trade agreements in the agreed ASEAN Cooperative Framework.With this reality in mind, Indonesia has to focus on the improvement of theperformance of local industries (capital, education, skills and technology)., This research discusses the comparison of the free trade agreements Indonesia entersinto in the cooperative framework between ASEAN and the four Dialogue Partners.The substance upon which this research compares is the regulation of trade in goods.These four agreements share some similarities as well as differences. The comparisonthat serves as the main focus of the discussion is how every agreement satisfies thetheory of justice in liberal trades. An analysis of each agreement is performed to lookfor the terms by which a disadvantaged developing country can seek to address thejustice it perceives. The theory of critical legal studies is employed in analyzing andrefering to the terms in the free trade agreements joined by Indonesia. This research isa legal-normative research with qualitative analysis of the data obtained fromliterature studies.There are no fundamental differences in the regulation of trade in goods in the tradein goods agreements between ASEAN and the four Dialogue Partners. The regulationof the trade in goods within these four trade in goods agreements has sought to satisfythe principle of justice in liberal trades. However, the equity that takes form in thedifferential treatments for the most disadvantaged countries,which in this case aredeveloping countries, is only temporary in nature. An importing developing countryfinds it difficult to be in anegotation that undertakes long procedures. By the time theliberalization swings in full effect, this special differential treatment will beabolished. With regards to the free trade agreements perceived to be inequitable orunperformable by a country such as a developing country, there are two policymeasures that the government of such country can take.Taking into account the difficulty in amending the agreed-upon terms, theGovernment of Indonesia has to pay more attention to the free trade agreements it isabout to enter into. The most realistic choice for Indonesia at this moment is to keeprespecting the free trade agreements in the agreed ASEAN Cooperative Framework.With this reality in mind, Indonesia has to focus on the improvement of theperformance of local industries (capital, education, skills and technology).] |