[ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas mengenai landasan dan latar belakang atas dibuatnyaperaturan mengenai transaksi afiliasi sebagaimana tercantum dalam PeraturanBapepam dan LK No. IX.E.1. Dimana dewasa ini terdapat tren bahwa grupperusahaan menjadi semakin banyak tumbuh dan berkembang dalam dunia usahadan bisnis di Indonesia, sehingga akan banyak transaksi yang dilakukan oleh antarperusahaan yang memiliki keterkaitan atau disebut dengan transaksi afiliasi.Selanjutnya secara lebih khusus akan dibahas juga mengenai klausul pengecualianuntuk melakukan kewajiban mengumumkan keterbukaan informasi danmelakukan pelaporan kepada OJK atas transaksi-transaksi afiliasi yang dilakukanoleh perusahaan publik atau emiten sebagaimana tercantum dalam PeraturanBapepam dan LK No.IX.E.1 terutama dalam hal ini adalah mengenai interpretasiperusahaan publik atau emiten atas pengecualian kewajiban sebagaimanatercantum dalam peraturan tersebut. Terdapat interpretasi yang kurang tepat yangterjadi atas pengelompokan kewajiban untuk transaksi yang wajib diumumkanketerbukaan informasi atau dilaporkan kepada OJK atau bahkan transaksi tersebutdikecualikan dari kedua jenis kewajiban pengumuman keterbukaan informasi ataupelaporan tersebut diatas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitiankualitatif. Hasil penelitian kemudian menyarankan agar pemerintah selakuregulator dan pembuat kebijakan terutama terkait transaksi afiliasi memberikanpenjelasan dalam Peraturan Bapepam dan LK No.IX.E.1 agar tidak terjadiambiguitas dalam menginterpretasikan klausul-klausul dalam peraturan Bapepamdan LK, khususnya Peraturan Bapepam dan LK No.IX.E.1, khususnya dalampengelompokkan kewajiban dalam Peraturan Bapepam dan LK No. IX.E.1tersebut oleh perusahaan publik atau emiten yang menjadi pelaku dalam transaksiafiliasi tersebut. Mengingat dewasa ini terdapatnya kelompok grup perusahaansehingga transaksi afiliasi akan banyak dilakukan dengan mengatasnamakanefisiensi dan efektifitas biaya dalam grup perusahaan. Dalam hal melibatkanperusahaan publik atau emiten, maka pemerintah harus turut andil dalammengawasi pelaksanaan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan publik atauemiten tersebut. Selain itu adalah penting sifatnya apabila pemerintahmenerbitkan peraturan yang jelas sehinga tidak terdapat berbagai persepsi yangberbeda pada pelaksanaannya dalam masyarakat. ABSTRACT This master?s thesis examines the basic and background of the issuance ofregulation regarding affiliate transaction as specified in Bapepam and LK RulesNo. IX.E.1. Recently, the trend of the group of companies are growing more in thebusiness activity in Indonesia, so that there will be many transactions conductedinter-companies which have relationship or as called affiliatetransaction.Furthermore, specifically this master?s thesis will also examine theexclusion clause to conduct obligations either to announce the informationdisclosure or report to OJK for every affiliate transactions which is performed bythe public company as specified in Bapepam and LK Rule No. IX.E.1, particularlyin this case is on the interpretation of the public company for such exclusionwhich is specified it that regulation. There is a misinterpretation in qualifying theobligation either to announce the information disclosure or to report to OJK oreven such transaction is being excluded from both of those obligations. Thisresearch is using the qualitative method of research.The research result thereafteris suggesting the government as a regulator and policy maker, particularly onaffiliate transaction, to provide explanation in the Bapepam and LK rule No.IX.E.1, in order to prevent any ambiguity in interpreting the clause in Bapepamand LK rule, particularly Bapapem and LK rule No. IX.E.1, focusing in theobligation qualification in such rule. Considering that recently the trend iscompanies group so that the affiliate transaction will be will mostly conducted inthe background of cost efficiency and effectiveness in such companies group. Incase involving the public company in the affiliate transaction, thus thegovernment should contribute in supervising the performance of the such publiccompany. Besides, it is important if the government issuing a regulation so thatthere are no misinterpretation in the implementation by the public;This master?s thesis examines the basic and background of the issuance ofregulation regarding affiliate transaction as specified in Bapepam and LK RulesNo. IX.E.1. Recently, the trend of the group of companies are growing more in thebusiness activity in Indonesia, so that there will be many transactions conductedinter-companies which have relationship or as called affiliatetransaction.Furthermore, specifically this master?s thesis will also examine theexclusion clause to conduct obligations either to announce the informationdisclosure or report to OJK for every affiliate transactions which is performed bythe public company as specified in Bapepam and LK Rule No. IX.E.1, particularlyin this case is on the interpretation of the public company for such exclusionwhich is specified it that regulation. There is a misinterpretation in qualifying theobligation either to announce the information disclosure or to report to OJK oreven such transaction is being excluded from both of those obligations. Thisresearch is using the qualitative method of research.The research result thereafteris suggesting the government as a regulator and policy maker, particularly onaffiliate transaction, to provide explanation in the Bapepam and LK rule No.IX.E.1, in order to prevent any ambiguity in interpreting the clause in Bapepamand LK rule, particularly Bapapem and LK rule No. IX.E.1, focusing in theobligation qualification in such rule. Considering that recently the trend iscompanies group so that the affiliate transaction will be will mostly conducted inthe background of cost efficiency and effectiveness in such companies group. Incase involving the public company in the affiliate transaction, thus thegovernment should contribute in supervising the performance of the such publiccompany. Besides, it is important if the government issuing a regulation so thatthere are no misinterpretation in the implementation by the public;This master’s thesis examines the basic and background of the issuance ofregulation regarding affiliate transaction as specified in Bapepam and LK RulesNo. IX.E.1. Recently, the trend of the group of companies are growing more in thebusiness activity in Indonesia, so that there will be many transactions conductedinter-companies which have relationship or as called affiliatetransaction.Furthermore, specifically this master’s thesis will also examine theexclusion clause to conduct obligations either to announce the informationdisclosure or report to OJK for every affiliate transactions which is performed bythe public company as specified in Bapepam and LK Rule No. IX.E.1, particularlyin this case is on the interpretation of the public company for such exclusionwhich is specified it that regulation. There is a misinterpretation in qualifying theobligation either to announce the information disclosure or to report to OJK oreven such transaction is being excluded from both of those obligations. Thisresearch is using the qualitative method of research.The research result thereafteris suggesting the government as a regulator and policy maker, particularly onaffiliate transaction, to provide explanation in the Bapepam and LK rule No.IX.E.1, in order to prevent any ambiguity in interpreting the clause in Bapepamand LK rule, particularly Bapapem and LK rule No. IX.E.1, focusing in theobligation qualification in such rule. Considering that recently the trend iscompanies group so that the affiliate transaction will be will mostly conducted inthe background of cost efficiency and effectiveness in such companies group. Incase involving the public company in the affiliate transaction, thus thegovernment should contribute in supervising the performance of the such publiccompany. Besides, it is important if the government issuing a regulation so thatthere are no misinterpretation in the implementation by the public, This master’s thesis examines the basic and background of the issuance ofregulation regarding affiliate transaction as specified in Bapepam and LK RulesNo. IX.E.1. Recently, the trend of the group of companies are growing more in thebusiness activity in Indonesia, so that there will be many transactions conductedinter-companies which have relationship or as called affiliatetransaction.Furthermore, specifically this master’s thesis will also examine theexclusion clause to conduct obligations either to announce the informationdisclosure or report to OJK for every affiliate transactions which is performed bythe public company as specified in Bapepam and LK Rule No. IX.E.1, particularlyin this case is on the interpretation of the public company for such exclusionwhich is specified it that regulation. There is a misinterpretation in qualifying theobligation either to announce the information disclosure or to report to OJK oreven such transaction is being excluded from both of those obligations. Thisresearch is using the qualitative method of research.The research result thereafteris suggesting the government as a regulator and policy maker, particularly onaffiliate transaction, to provide explanation in the Bapepam and LK rule No.IX.E.1, in order to prevent any ambiguity in interpreting the clause in Bapepamand LK rule, particularly Bapapem and LK rule No. IX.E.1, focusing in theobligation qualification in such rule. Considering that recently the trend iscompanies group so that the affiliate transaction will be will mostly conducted inthe background of cost efficiency and effectiveness in such companies group. Incase involving the public company in the affiliate transaction, thus thegovernment should contribute in supervising the performance of the such publiccompany. Besides, it is important if the government issuing a regulation so thatthere are no misinterpretation in the implementation by the public] |