[ABSTRAK Kinerja seseorang dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antar lain ; karakteristik pribadi (umur,sex, pengalaman, dll), motivasi, pendapatan dan gaji, keluarga, organisasi, supervisi danpengembangan karier termasuk pelatihan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menganalisi faktorfaktoryang berhubungan dengan kinerja dosen keperawatan dalam melaksanakan kegiatanpendidikan dan pengajaran pada Program Studi Keperawatan Bogor Politeknik KesehatanBandung tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Jumlah sampelsebanyak 43 orang. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analitik. Untuk mengetahuihubungan antara variabel individu, variabel psiklogis dan variabel organisasi denganprogram SPSS for Windows versi 15.0 dengan menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil analisisdeskriptif menunjukkan bahwa kinerja dosen dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan danpengajaran rata-rata 95,48% dengan kinerja terendah 88,75%. Hasil uji statistikmenunjukkan bahwa variabel umur (p value 0,857), masa kerja (p value 0,425), beban kerja(p value 1,000), motivasi kerja (p value 0,444), kompensasi (p value 0,366), gayakepemimpinan (p value 0,718) dan supervisi (p value 0,812) secara signifikan tidakbermakna (p value > 0,05) terhadap kinerja dosen. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil uji statistikbahwa variabel pelatihan (p value 0,042) secara segnifikan bermakna terhadap kinerja dosendalam melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan dan pengajaran pada Program Studi KeperawatanBogor Poltekkes Bandung tahun 2014. ABSTRACT Individual's performance can be affected by several factors, among others; personalcharacteristics (age, sex, experience, etc.), motivation, and salary income, family,organization, supervision and career development, including training. The purpose of thisstudy is analyzing the factors associated with the performance of nursing faculty inconducting education and teaching in Bogor Nursing Programe Study of BandungPolytechnic of Health in 2014. This study used a cross-sectional design. Have 43peoplesofthe total sample. Data were analyzed descriptively and analytically. To determinethe relationship between the individual variables, psychological variables and organizationalvariables with SPSS for Windows version 15.0 using Chi Square test. Descriptiveanalysisshowedthatthe performance of lecturers in education and teaching conducting anaverage of 95.48% with the lowest performance of 88.75%. Statistical test results howed thatthe variables of age(p value = 0.857), years(p value 0.425), workload(p value = 1.000), workmotivation(p value 0.444), compensation(p value = 0.366), leadership style(p value 0.718)and supervision(p value 0.812) significantly nonsignificant (p value>0.05) on theperformance of the lecturer. While based on the statistical test that the training variables(pvalue = 0.042) were significantly on the performance of lecturersin conducting education andteaching in Bogor Nursing Program Study of Bandung Health Polytechnic year 2014;Individual's performance can be affected by several factors, among others; personalcharacteristics (age, sex, experience, etc.), motivation, and salary income, family,organization, supervision and career development, including training. The purpose of thisstudy is analyzing the factors associated with the performance of nursing faculty inconducting education and teaching in Bogor Nursing Programe Study of BandungPolytechnic of Health in 2014. This study used a cross-sectional design. Have 43peoplesofthe total sample. Data were analyzed descriptively and analytically. To determinethe relationship between the individual variables, psychological variables and organizationalvariables with SPSS for Windows version 15.0 using Chi Square test. Descriptiveanalysisshowedthatthe performance of lecturers in education and teaching conducting anaverage of 95.48% with the lowest performance of 88.75%. Statistical test results howed thatthe variables of age(p value = 0.857), years(p value 0.425), workload(p value = 1.000), workmotivation(p value 0.444), compensation(p value = 0.366), leadership style(p value 0.718)and supervision(p value 0.812) significantly nonsignificant (p value>0.05) on theperformance of the lecturer. While based on the statistical test that the training variables(pvalue = 0.042) were significantly on the performance of lecturersin conducting education andteaching in Bogor Nursing Program Study of Bandung Health Polytechnic year 2014, Individual's performance can be affected by several factors, among others; personalcharacteristics (age, sex, experience, etc.), motivation, and salary income, family,organization, supervision and career development, including training. The purpose of thisstudy is analyzing the factors associated with the performance of nursing faculty inconducting education and teaching in Bogor Nursing Programe Study of BandungPolytechnic of Health in 2014. This study used a cross-sectional design. Have 43peoplesofthe total sample. Data were analyzed descriptively and analytically. To determinethe relationship between the individual variables, psychological variables and organizationalvariables with SPSS for Windows version 15.0 using Chi Square test. Descriptiveanalysisshowedthatthe performance of lecturers in education and teaching conducting anaverage of 95.48% with the lowest performance of 88.75%. Statistical test results howed thatthe variables of age(p value = 0.857), years(p value 0.425), workload(p value = 1.000), workmotivation(p value 0.444), compensation(p value = 0.366), leadership style(p value 0.718)and supervision(p value 0.812) significantly nonsignificant (p value>0.05) on theperformance of the lecturer. While based on the statistical test that the training variables(pvalue = 0.042) were significantly on the performance of lecturersin conducting education andteaching in Bogor Nursing Program Study of Bandung Health Polytechnic year 2014] |